

Dec 23, 2011
Greetings from Buffalo NY - I'm Kevin, The current owner of a faulty superpad III & awaiting a Viewsonic g-pad in the mail. So you know I'll have plenty of questions!! -I'm comin' at ya a rank newbie, so please bear that in mind when you see my idiotic questions. I do as much research as I can to fix problems myself, but some of the techie stuff is hard to comprehend at my age (52). So I'll be seeing you soon. -Like later on!
Greetings Kevin, nice to have you as a member of the forum and congratulations on the old and new tablets. Glad you decided to join Android Tablets.

You should be really happy with the Gtablet when it comes. there is a ton of support and guides for that tablet.


Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Android Tablet Forum
My Gtab works fine (so far) now that I'm using LauncherPro. I'm not messin' with it (yet) because... Big trouble with superpad III after I flashed tim6a rom (no wifi) -Guess I'll be posting a thread about that! (I've been reseaching 'till my head hurts!) Anyway, Happy New Year to all & Good Luck in your Android adventures!