Will Not Connect to WiFi


Jan 27, 2012
I have a DLink wi-fi at home. The IPod touch I have and all of the laptops connect fine. My ASUS eee tablet arrived today. I have tried many many times to get it to connect to my wi-fi. It says it finds it but the browser on the ASUS says otherwise, and it will not connect to the Android store. Someone suggested to have the tablet forget the wi-fi and then re-connect. I tried that several times. Someone else said it is something to do with the channels on my router. I am not a computer genius (although I am everywhere social web2.0 wise and know a tiny bit of HTML and CSS) so I have no clue going about changing the channels. Can someone:

A. Tell me step by step (in plain English) tell me how to fix/change the channels
B. Give me some software (or whatever) to download/slurp onto the ASUS that might fix this.

Many thanks in advance.
To change the channels of your router, there is no easy way to give you a step by step. This varies by each router.

Best I can offer is that on a PC do a "RUN" and then type "CMD". In this window type "ipconfig" and tap enter. Note the "Gateway" listed.

Now go to a web browser. In the URL type the address as noted in the gateway (typically or something). Now go to http://gateway (where gateway is subtituted for the numbers listed above, something like

You will need to know the username and password to log in to the router. If you do not know, it may be written on the bottom of the router or on the box if it was supplied by your ISP. If a friend help set it up they will be helpful. If not, you can try the default password. You will need your router's manual (available from the OEM's website).

Once logged in, go to the WiFi section and usually the channel is on the first or 2nd tab. Change the number and hit Apply or Save. It may or may not need to reboot.

Also, on the OG Transformer I have had issues with WEP encryption. WPA and WPA2 is more secure and I would suggest changing that while you are in there as well.

Finally, have you tried another WiFi network to see if it works there? Perhaps a hotspot at a restaurant.
Thank you so much for your help. After quite a bit of searching, I was able to find a manual and get the REAL password (not the just look at the system password which was the default when I first tried) and see everything - I think. I clicked on every section and every section within each section and looked at the labels but never saw anything that said channels ... are there other labels for that?

I took a screen shot of what I see .... can you tell me what to look under?

$zyxel controls.jpg
What model is it. I'll look it up and then tell you.
I would assume it is somewhere under the network section, but I don't see what I would think would be the right option.
Usually you have a WAN, LAN, NAT, AND Wireless.

In any case, I've had problems with D-Link routers where some devices can't connect to them to pull the configuration down. XBoxes have had problems with all the routers I've tried...
There is not too difficult way to get around it we can try later (notice I did not say an easy way to get around it :) ).
I saw the model number on your screen shot.. Are you sure that is the right model number?
I does not look like that model has wifi...
Sigh ... I missed a step in describing the entire problem. Sorry. : (

I have a Zygel DSL router connected to a D-Link DIR-615 wireless device. So, I am assuming I need to "break into" the D-Link??
Yes, into the DLink...
I really don't think just changing the channels will fix your problem.
What I think you are going to have to do is set a static IP address for your device.
I can go into more detail if you wish to go that route.
People on Google+ have been helping me as well. One said to try unpluging my wifi, wait 10 secs, and to plug it back in. That worked!! However, if I shut off the wifion the ASUS and power it off, then it can't "see" the Internet, and I have to unplug/wait with the DSL again.
You may need to do a factory reset on your tablet. Also Asus has admitted to and are working on a fix for some transformers with wifi and GPS connectivity issues. Basically they covered the antennas with the aluminum case. You may want to check there website to see if your tablet is 1 of them.

ideos s7 running tri-zet v3
People on Google+ have been helping me as well. One said to try unpluging my wifi, wait 10 secs, and to plug it back in. That worked!! However, if I shut off the wifion the ASUS and power it off, then it can't "see" the Internet, and I have to unplug/wait with the DSL again.

What type of encryption are you using, WEP or WPA?

I know some users who have WEP encryption they have an issue with the DHCP (service that assigns IP addresses on the router) and the TF101 getting in a handshake stand off.

There are 2 solutions:
1 - Change your DHCP Lease time in your WiFi router to be something around 15-30 minutes.
2 - Change your TF to have a static IP address. You will need to know your current IP address and the router IP address (Gateway).
I had some weird issues with a Netgear and a Dlink router where my android devices would connect to it, but could not see anything on the network and could not ping in or out of the net work, BUT everything else on the network worked ( BluRay player, Laptop, Netbook and iPod )

Nothing I did to setting would allow it to work, and what I ended up doing was stuffing dd-wrt and with the basic set up everything worked like it should. So I am not sure what is getting set by default on these units but it was stuffing the android devices.
