Windows 8 on Nook Color?

Dec 17, 2010
Microsoft says they will release a version of Windows 8 for the ARM processor - the same CPU that the Nook Color uses.

Is there any possibility we could see Windows 8 running on the Nook Color, officially or not?
The specs call for 1gz processor, 1gb RAM, 16gb space and DirectX 9 or higher. Not in the cards it would appear.....
It would be pushing it. I don't think that the graphic card has the balls that Win8 needs.
It would be cool to see it slightly stripped down to run well on the current Nook Color, sort of like how you turn off animations and graphics on Windows versions now for better perfomance. Better yet though is running it on the Nook Color 2 ;)
I would settle for a remote desktop client. I would install Windows 8 on a notebook and connect with my Nook Color.

Nook Color 2? Any word on that yet?
I would settle for a remote desktop client. I would install Windows 8 on a notebook and connect with my Nook Color.

Nook Color 2? Any word on that yet?

Not specifically but I have seen early reports on Black Friday deals listing the Nook Color at $150 which would strongly imply a Nook Color 2 in the pipeline.
I/wonder if B & N is going to call Nook color 2 an e reader or just — android tablet—gg
Refurbished NCs on for $150. Not quite the same I know but still...
B&N isn't going to sit idly by while Amazon tries to muscle in on its turf. The Nook color has been, and is, an awesome piece of hardware, but they need to meet or beat Amazon's offering which means more choice and better hardware for all of us.

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