YMMV: Sears Refurb gTablet for $280 (Only available in Freehold, NJ store pickup)

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Staff member
Jul 9, 2010
Didn't see a thread for this. If someone remembers, please merge:
Viewsonic 10" Android WiFi Tablet : Sears Outlet

Refurbished gTablet for $280


Floor models, tested models among the mix.
Only been out for 2 months or so, so it can't be that bad...
Many of these were returned purely because of the TnT UI, which was truly awful, so they are probably great.
Looks like they're already gone -- nothing comes up at that link, and the only "Viewsonic" product available at that site is a $5 "holiday case promo." :(
No longer on the site... Good deal if someone found one in there area...

Sent from my VEGAn-TAB-v1.0.0B5.1 using Tapatalk
I got very lucky yesterday. I'd been checking Sears outlet site for a week or two and finding them here and there around the country, and occasionally in Freehold, NJ which is about an hour from me. Yesterday one popped up at Freehold and since it was a Sunday I figured I'd click buy it, and grab my wife and son and take a little road-trip. I didn't even wait for the email saying they had it, it was a nice day.

When I got out of the car at the mall in Freehold I had the email that my order was ready for pickup on my droid. I went in to customer pickup, swiped my credit card, my order came up, and my name appeared on the screen above to wait for my order. When the guy came out he had a brand new G Tab, said the system should've said no to my order because they didn't actually have the refurb, so they were giving me a new one. I took it and ran for my car before he could change his mind.

Brand new G Tab for $279+tax. It's already got CWM and latest TnT Lite on it and I love it.

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