Looking for an Un-Cool 1.2 ROM


Aug 4, 2011
My gTablet is in the mail, so I'm about to make the same post that I've read a million times...but with a little twist. From everything I've read it seems that there are some incredibly stable 1.1 ROMS, and some beautiful, cool, and cutting edge 1.2 ROMS. I'm expecting that my tablet will have the 1.2 bl, and I'd rather keep it that way. Before I get too creative with cutting edge Alpha and Beta ROMS, though, I would rather spend some quality time with my new tablet being boring and stable. I DO want the full market and a little more control, so I'm really not planning on spending much time in the stock system beyond figuring out what bl is actually on the beast.

So for all of you that have been playing in the gTablet world longer than my -2 days...ARE there any 1.2 ROMS that are really stable without too many card/camera/wifi/etc issues?


In all honesty, I use Flashback (now 7.1) for my daily driver, and use my tablet constantly every day.

Sent from my Nexus S using Android Tablet Forum
Thanks for the response...I guess that I'm reading a lot into posts that are constructively critical of shortcomings of the ROMS, and walking away with the impression that they are alphas that feel like alphas...I guess the only way to know for sure is to put them on the road and take them out for a drive. I appreciate your insights, though!
This is absolutely true, that an alpha should NEVER EVER be taken as anything other than that. That means, you back up your data, you make sure that if it is something you cannot afford to lose you have copies, or if it is a device that you have no other alternative it is stable.

All that being said, there are ways for the mobile user to make sure these caveats are met, and that you have a good mobile experience.
Of the HC ROMs that are being developed, I can definitely recommend Flashback and Bottle of Smoke, which not only perform well also have fabulous developers behind them.

I second Peter's comment...for me, I put nothing on the gTab that I'm afraid to lose (everything is copied or in the cloud) and Flashback has paid me back handsomely. It misbehaves no more than the overclocked custom GB ROM on my Droid!
