How do you disable the vibration when powering on or off?

Nascar Dog

Apr 28, 2011
Kinda annoying when it vibrates every time I turn it on or off.
I have disabled everything possible in the settings.
It even vibrates when I move an icon on the desktop.
Kinda annoying when it vibrates every time I turn it on or off.
I have disabled everything possible in the settings.
It even vibrates when I move an icon on the desktop.

Anyone know how to disable the vibration on the Acer A500?
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you are a funny dude quoteing yourself,
I think all tab does that vibrate thing when starting elocity does it also....

I quoted myself to bump the thread because nobody answered my question for over a month. :)

None of the other Honeycomb tablets have this annoying issue.
I quoted myself to bump the thread because nobody answered my question for over a month. :)

None of the other Honeycomb tablets have this annoying issue.

If there wasn't an answer by now there probably won't be one by asking again. Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet.

If this is your biggest complaint then acer did a bang up job.
Stop turning it off. Problem solved.
I get annoyed by sounds that manage to pop up at the wrong times. I think everything ought to be configurable, especially on Android. Either we have just missed it or the control got left for a future update.
I guess we all have things that irk us. I hate having to wait to get Android 3.1 and you hate the vibration. I personally enjoy the vibration. I hate the way the screen sucks fingerprints so quickly. I swear, I think it gets dirtier than the original ipad.
I do not think it is possible to turn off vibration during powering on/off in any stock Android. Maybe in custom ROMs such function is available ?
If you are annoyed enough to root your phone and load a custom ROM, you may look for such feature there.