Huawei Technical Forums

Notes on how to do it here

You will need to decide which firmware to use.

Ok, that's what I was thinking, ummm, firmware?? How do I get that and what one do I get. Thanks a lot

Edit: is it on the firmware page, 8th post

Edit2: ok I got it, the USA(best buy) version was on that one site, I loaded it all and it appears to be as if I just bought it, ill get on tonight and make sure everything works, this is great, now when I sell it I can do reset it. Thanks to all that helped, I thought I was screwed, thanks
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The REAL admin (Administrator: zt0622) for the Huawei Technical Forum confirmed today that Froyo 2.2 is expected to be released for the S7 in February or March. This admin replied to many posts on the forum today.


Huawei Staff
Posts: 8
Expert Points: 0
Useable Points: 10000
Registered: 2011-1-7
Re: 2.2 update
Posted: 2011-01-25 10:55

We plan to release the Android 2.2 for S7 in Feb. or March.
Thank you for your concern for out product."
The REAL admin (Administrator: zt0622) for the Huawei Technical Forum confirmed today that Froyo 2.2 is expected to be released for the S7 in February or March. This admin replied to many posts on the forum today.


Huawei Staff
Posts: 8
Expert Points: 0
Useable Points: 10000
Registered: 2011-1-7
Re: 2.2 update
Posted: 2011-01-25 10:55

We plan to release the Android 2.2 for S7 in Feb. or March.
Thank you for your concern for out product."

How do we know this is the REAL ADMIN?
Same as those that wonder if GOD is real or not.....

had to throw it out there.

I just have faith we will get 2.2 one way or another !