No activity in excite 7.7? Doesn't anyone one this tablet?

That is a good question. I think it has to do with the cost of this tablet relative to its specs. So far smaller higher priced tablets haven't made many inroads in the Android tablet market. For the most part you have (1) small and cheap tablets and (2) expensive and large tablets (including iPad users).
That is a good question. I think it has to do with the cost of this tablet relative to its specs. So far smaller higher priced tablets haven't made many inroads in the Android tablet market. For the most part you have (1) small and cheap tablets and (2) expensive and large tablets (including iPad users).

Kinda sucks lol
Yes, it does :( Choice is good but sometimes choice means otherwise good devices get left behind. Of course you could be just like everybody else and buy an iPad so that you can get exactly what Apple wants to give you just like the other users get ;)
rolexconfuse said:
Am I the only one who owns an excite 7.7 tablet? There's no activity in the forum at all

I remember you were indecisive between the Toshiba 7.7 and the Nexus should have bought the Nexus, lots of activity in that forum! :-D
JP might be right, it's expensive but it might also be that a lot of people bought it but since it works greasy without any problem they don't need any help and that's mostly what people use this forum for: to find answers.