Unable to download apps after 4.03 update


Apr 5, 2012

I have just updated my novo 7 paladin tablet with the 4.03 software from anovo, when it restarted the play store app had been deleted. I have tried copying it the tablet from my PC and although the apk installs the play-store app won't open.

Does anyone know how I can add apps to my device now?
Do you have google services framework on device?

Sent from my M9701 using Android Tablet
No, I don't have it. I've just tried to install it via my PC but it refuses to install......
Will it not install apps frpm sd card either? If no maybe you need to factory reset, then try again, maybe there is a better update site out there? Checks supporting vendors 'as they may have one

Sent from my M9701 using Android Tablet
Hello all , i have the same problem, i can run google and gmail , but unable to download Apps, i had no problems before the update .
Installed it and so far I love it. There was a problem though with Gapps, because they weren’t installed in the first go. I had to install it manualy with ClockworkMo. But that went through with no problems. The bad thing is, that my TouchPad rebooted 2 or 3 times in last 15 minutes. I’ve put it to sleep now. Maybe it just needs some rest
Some apps are not compatible with Android 4.0.3 operating system.

Gee, here's an idea, why don't you actually get to work on that little problem, hey? It has been months now and my Paladine is no closer to working like a real tablet than it was before. Very few apps work on it including the ones that the GPlay site say's are compatible with it! At this point, my "tablet" is nothing more that a picture frame that periodically locks up for no reason....

Oh, and here's another little "quirk" with your product, the battery life sucks when using the wireless networking. Your website claims that it has great battery life - "7 hours for browsing webpage" - try (if I am lucky & I dim my screen) an hour!

Any helpful advise to resolving these issues, or are you just going to reiterate the obvious?
I have a similar issue. I have the paladin but the apos in appstore say not compatible with device, right? I mean some of them do. Ones that don't say that I try to download and it gives me an error code that googling didn't help. Why won't they download?