Help, my tablet is broken.


Aug 4, 2012
Hello. My wife got me a tablet for my birthday. She bought it off a website. It was shipped from China. I downloaded a ton of games and some other apps. It worked fine for awhile. Then it started freezing during my games and sometimes rebooting in the middle. I did a factory reset and then installed a few less games. And now I can't open the settings to do another factory reset. Every time I try to go to the settings, it says something to the effect of settings has stopped working.

There are no markings to identify my tablet. It is a black 7" tablet with white images on the back: FC a (don't throw this in the trash) icon, CE, and ROHS with a checkmark over it. It has an oval speaker on the back. I can plug in headphones, SD card, USB, HDMI, and micro USB. When I turn it on, this is displayed: Android OS:4.0 Kernel:3.0.8 Build number:v0.9.5. Most importantly, I signed up with Google Play and that still works. It has my device listed as: WonderMedia WM8850-mid. And the manual that I got with it doesn't seem to be of much help. I will check one more time in case there is anything I might have missed. Thank you in advance to anyone who reads this and also to any replies I get. William


Staff member
Mar 24, 2011
Hello William, congratulations on your new tablet and welcome to the forum. I'm moving your thread to the Android Tablet Q&A section for you, where more people are likely to join the discussion and try to help you. Good luck!


Aug 4, 2012
I tried holding the volume up and power button twice, and the volume down and power button. And neither option brought up a screen to reset my tablet. It just went right back to the normal screen. I found a little button by the volume down, and you have to use something to press the button in. All that does is an instant off switch. I also have 2x Battery installed, but when I try to use that to get to the settings, it goes back to settings has stopped working.


Aug 4, 2012
My camera is located in the top right corner of my tablet. I wonder if this number I found would be of any help: deviceid: 313597487549032.
I can still use some of the features on it, ie. read pdf, watch videos, play music, but I can't change settings or go online to do anything.

Think I should try that anyway to see if it works at all?


Aug 4, 2012
Yes, that looks very much like my tablet. However, when I tried to turn on my tablet, I got nothing but lines all over it in a plaid + pattern all over it. I think it's pretty well dead. My wife has the exact same tablet, but hers is in working order. She bought a newer one and will be giving me her old one. So I think I will just take mine and find a creative way to dispose of it. I guess this is just one of those times where it's the first thing you got, and the next time you know better how to shop for one. I'll just go into Best Buy when I have some cash and get me a really nice one. I thank everyone for their help.


Aug 4, 2012
Note to all reader! From experience, I can say, do NOT buy a tablet if it does not have a brand name (even a generic name) listed somewhere in the description. Just because you're getting it cheaper, does not mean you're getting a good deal. It may break down that much faster, and you will end up with no option to throw it away, along with the money you paid for it. It's better to just wait a bit longer and save up for the more expensive brand. That, and you should make sure that there's a way to return back to where you bought it if anything goes wrong. I got mine as a gift originally, and the person who bought it did not keep any records where they got it from the internet.