none of this site works properly on my tablet


Oct 23, 2012

none of it seems to work properly on the native browser on a Bauhn AMID972XS in case you were interested to know.
When you say none of it works, what do you mean? Can't view, can't post, if you want input from others, you need to post clearly with detail so that someone may try to help.

For instance, I also have an issue here with mine. I can view and navigate the forum ok but cannot select a reply box to type into, if I press on the quick reply, it does not react, just seems part of the page. Makes no difference if I use TouchPal V5 keyboard or the Android keyboard. Must try different browsers next as it's possibly the cause.
And this posted from the forum app.

Have to find it in Tapatalk too.

Sent from my AMID-972XS using Android Tablet
And tapatalk: )

Sent from my AMID-972XS using Tapatalk 2

Hmmm, so Opera Mini is my problem :(
It's my favourite browser too. I'll use Tapatalk here with the tablet then.
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*orientation issues, need to orient lefe and right to get it view the lhs of where typing
* the large green divider bars bostruct the entire page
* predictive text does not always engage
* often can not type into text box

Sort of annoying, so I just default back to the PC
Check your browser settings, it may be needing a different default view for instance, to display better.