

Senior Member
May 2, 2011
Some people should never be allowed near technology.

If you are unsure of what you are doing.... STOP. Not slow down or speed up, just simply STOP. There are countless threads on here about NOT burning the U0 files or updating the wrong .ius and yet day after day after day, there are more and more posts about "OMG I did everything it said to do and now I have a brick HELP!!!!!"

The common response is "what version is your tablet?", answer "I don't know, where do I look for that?" I mean- come on already people. If you have $99 to throw away, I will gladly give you a paypal address where you can send it, because that is what you are doing.

Slow down.... no STOP and read everything you can before you start THINKING about "updating" or "flashing" your tablets. Notice at the top that every RESPONSIBLE programmer puts in print "FLASHING THE WRONG ROM WILL BRICK YOUR TABLET". They aren't bullsh!tting you, it will and it does. Just because it has a reset button doesnt mean that you get a mulligan (golfing term-google it). Also, just because it says INFOTMIC doesn't make it the same as a Sylvania anymore than a Ferrari emblem on Fiero makes them the same car.

If you really want to work on your tablet and get it to do things out of its current range of ability, learn all you can about what you already have. A LOT of the tablets out there right now in the $99-$200 price range are just Android "toys". They are not and will not ever be an IPad or a Motorola XOOM. You got what you paid for.

Wait. Be patient. Learn. There are legit programmers working on specific models and cooking ROMS for them. If your tablet isn't one of them, you are SOL and your tablet is what it is.....
Finally someone said it all; like lorenill just said, its all there on the forum, on the sticky notes too, just go ahead and read, before I updated my original sytabex7 I had to read a bunch to prevent a brick for it, so pls read all the info that we had acquired regarding this tablets, this tablets has potential, but they are not iPads, but for $99 what you are asking for?
And also for the most common question about the "Android market", its there on the forum as well
Ok I agree with most of that, but some tablet sellers (especially ebay) will sell generic devices & its pure guesswork as to what model you actually have. Mine was sold to me as an e18, but when trying to load uberoid rom for the umpteenth time, I discovered it was more likely a mid703. I'm still not totally sure that's true but the numbers worked so that's what I called it. Also many newbies come on this forum in a panic and don't know where to look for their specific needs. A little patience and a small bit of advice can help calm many of these people down. If I know how to help, or can tell them, where to look, I try to do so. I've been using this forum for 6 months and it has been invaluable to me for many things. Sometimes, maybe if someone took time to type me a few words, more of my problems would be sorted out. I dare say there are people out there who know, but like yourselves think "they should know where to look already, its been answered enough times". I may be guilty of this myself....I'm no techie, just trying to get to grips and enjoy using my tablet. These people are also trying to do the same. Spare a thought for a time when yourselves needed this sort of help. If you're busy fair enough, but it only takes a minute or so to answer most queries.

Sent from my M9701 using Android Tablet
I'd just like to add that most of us are here to help. If after reading and searching and reading some more you still don't get what you are doing ask FIRST before doing anything. It is a lot easier to help you understand than to reply to the statement "Help I can't boot my unknown tablet pleaz help me fix right away!!1!"
I will completely help someone out BEFORE they brick, afterwards, there isn't a whole lot that I can do for them.

I am teaching myself how to build on the Android process and it really isn't that hard, BUT the first thing I learned was NOT to touch the U0
I actually like to know more about my electronics things, so if I found a forum which handles something about them I would be glad and graceful to read whatever somebody found, I have one of the original tabs, the ones that came with Android 1.4 our 1.6 and so on, so I read all the stuff that the members report, to do this, not to do that, search for your version and so on, mine its still working like a charm,I also haves found some things to improve and report into the forum as well; but, everything its very detailed on the threads, read the sticky notes, use the search, it hasn't been so difficult like it appears, but to get some knowledge you'll have to read...

That's the problem, no one wants to read to understand why is this, why you bricked your tab and so on,I can understand that you can't have the time or whatever you can mention, but I also would help if you guys give more details, like hardware number and so on; cfrokit one of the most important member over here and maybe the one who discovered the most things for this tablets has disappeared because no one over here wants to understand or don't care to listen when someone like him or the old guys who has the knowledge for this or that makes some advice for help
I pulled back after Christmas and am just now getting back on here. cfrockit might be doing the same thing. I knew there might be a rush of impatience and just basically avoided this thread.