Problems with Catchup TV app - Help please


Senior Member
May 16, 2012

Has anyone else been experiences problems with the catchup tv app (uk). a friends tab a generic MID devices runs flash, bcc iplayer, and itvplayer without problem but always fails to properly run catchup tv. he can see the advert prior to the steam and has pefect audio but no visual, I have tried to uninstall/re-install the app anumber of time and once got the steam to run until he tried another steam which failed then the app crashed.

Has anyone else had these problems and more importantly found a solution? I have today tried the filmon tv app which runs perfectly on his tab so he at least able to get tv but I have noticed a number of thread on google highlighting the same problem but no solution posted, I'm sure someone must have overcome this by now, I have also tried various codec packs, reinstalling flash player, adobe air and various other plugins all to no avail any help would be most useful.

Cheers macthecat:confused:
The Filmon app is better than catchup in my opinion so I just stick with that.......and you're right catchup rarely works properly