Sync problem


Senior Member
Aug 3, 2011
It seems I cant sync my face book account with my A500. When I try to add it, all I get is blue line.

I tried turning the tablet on and off.
I currently have 3 google account and my twitter sync'ed.

Anyone else having this problem or did I miss an account limit?

Facebook is not listed as a type of account that can be sync'ed, but neither is Twitter. I can sync as many Google, Twitter and email accounts as I want. I can even sync my Blackboard and work account (via Corporate).

Has anyone else tried and successed/ failed?

It just seems odd that I can't but it shows up as an option.

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Just to be sure, you ARE talking about syncing email right?

When you tap any item in Accounts and Sync it lists the types of things it can sync.
Basically any account it has a stored password and login for gets listed here, but not
everything has any actual data that can be syncd.
Not so much email. I was hoping I could at least sync my contacts. My contacts for the Gmails, work and Twitter accounts are sync'ed. The calenders for the Gmail and Blackboard are sync'ed. I don't think you can sync anything other than contacts from Facebook.
It's just really weird to me that everything else that shows up in the Add Account under Accounts & Sync will let me log in and sync some form of data other than Facebook.
Having access to my FB contacts without having to log into FB would be really nice, just like on my other android device.
My contact info on my tablet is incomplete, because I don't have the facebook account synced. :(
It seems I cant sync my face book account with my A500. When I try to add it, all I get is blue line.

I tried turning the tablet on and off.
I currently have 3 google account and my twitter sync'ed.

Anyone else having this problem or did I miss an account limit?


I just read on Google that they're looking into the issue. Apparently this problem has existed since the 3.1 update and affects all Tablet makes. There is a link in another thread about syncing which will point you to the Google Tech and a whole lot of unhappy tablet users. Maybe they'll send a FIX soon - especially if more people complain.
That's kinda my understanding. It seems to be a mutual issue between the Facebook app(s) and the A500.
yet nothing on this.......

From who?

I tried a couple of times after the 3.2 update and still wouldn't sync. I figured I try again after the 3.2.1 & ICS updates.

I've learned to just flow with it. Between the web, app and FB messenger app, I can pretty much do what I want - with just an extra swipe and push of my finger.

Also since originally posting this, it really sunk in that not all Android is the same. Just because I can do something on my Droid X2 doesn't mean I can do it on my A500. I guess Motorola/ Version (?) adds a layer (or bloatware - whatever) to the experience.

To an extent, I rather enjoy it now. I have 1200 contacts on my Droid X2 because the "phone" can't figure out that John Doe is the same John Doe in my Gmail, Facebook and work account. It would be nice if it consolidated all those people, or at least prompted me to confirm it.

Of course, it could do that and I'm just too big of a dork and missed the step during set up :)