Tell me the disadvantages of galaxy tab 10.1


May 5, 2012
I just want to buy a tablet. I am confused in iPad 2 and galaxy tab 10.1. Can anyone give me some suggestions?
There are no disadvantages that I can think of, aside from perhaps a few elitist app developers who insist on making their apps iPad only.
As a general rule, Android tablets are more customizable, and can be configured in multiple ways. Apple tablet are the way Steve Jobs wanted them to be, and unless you "jailbreak" the device, you're pretty much limited in how it does things. One example: If you add on an SD card reader, with Android you can use a file manager program like Astro to copy photgraphs to any folder on the device you want. With an iPad, I don't think you can attach an SD card reader at all, and Apple decides where photographs should go, and that's where they go. Period. Most Android tablets will let you add an SD card or USB stick (sometimes via an adapter) to expand the memory on the device.

The downside is that because Android is so much more flexible, it can be more confusing. iPads are probably easier to learn, and easier to use for the novice without much computer experience. For those with lots of computer experience, the lack of flexibility can be frustrating.

A benefit of the iPad is that it's very standardized. App developers have only 3 products to customize their software for, and the differences are minor. Android developers have to contend with dozens of different models, each of which may have subtle differences. Not every Android app may work well on your tablet. That's much less common on Apple.

The other advantage of the iPad is that because it's from Apple, and because it's sold in the gazillions, there are far more 3rd party accessories, like cases and keyboards and docking stations and you-name-it available. But you should be able to find what you really need for a Tab, just not from as many different vendors.

Both will let you play music, surf the web, look at pictures, edit documents, etc.
the iPad does have a SD card reader and a USB adapter, but it is ONLY for importing photos to the tablet. Nothing else.

If you have ever thought about jailbreaking an iPad you should get an Android tablet.

My wife is an iPad junkie. It is the tablet for her. On a computer she only uses it for what she needs to do.

I am an Android-aholic. On a computer, I am always overclocking, tweaking, adjusting and experiementing. On my Dell D610 (work) laptop I installed a triple boot with Win XP, Ubuntu and OS X (Tiger). Why? To see if I could.

I HATE the iPad (and iOS) as it is to constrictive. I almost threw my phone in the James River the other day because I found an address in Around Me. My only option was to send it to the Maps app. This app does not do turn by turn directions. I tried to copy the destination address from Maps, but it was sent as "Hampton Inn" and not the actual address. I had to go BACK to Around Me, memorize the address, then go to my GPS App (Mapquest) and then pause my current route, edit it, then type it in.

Because Android is more open, you can send just about anything to any app. I cannot send a photo I take to Facebook on iOS, I can only send it to Twitter, Email or MMS. On Android, well, I can send it lots of places:


Another thing, on iOS, if an app is installed it MUST be shown on a home screen as a icon or in a folder. The folders are ugly, just small icons of the apps in the folders.
Android has an "App Drawer" and all your installed apps are there, but you put just a few on the home screens. You can also make folders with custom icons.

Then there are keyboards. iOS has one keyboard. On the iPad it can become a split keyboard. That's it. No swipe input, no numbers and letters on the keyboard at once.

With Android, there are probably hundreds of keyboards in the markets to choose from. I use Thumb Keyboard. here is a screenshot of it:

It has a shortcut (M1) to enter my email address with 1 tap, copy, paste shortcuts. Long press to get to symbols. I can scream with input on this bad boy, never need to change to numbers/symbols. It is all RIGHT THERE!

Ok, time for me to get off my soap box now.
To make sure I understood here, you're saying Android had a slight edge over iOS ;-)
the way i see it iPad lets you do what it wants you to do, Android lets your tablet do what you want it to do

seriously though the trade off is quality of service against flexibility - the iPad gives you a consistent level of experience within certain limits while Android lets you do a broader set of activities at inconsistent levels of experience
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Frederuco said:
That is my opinion. Others may argue differently.

Sorry, an attempt at humor that failed miserably, I have a lot of experience with iOS, but I wouldn't even consider an iPad.
Glad I found this thread! I too don't know whether I should get an iPad 2 or Samsung Galaxy Tablet. The deal breaker for me are the apps. I keep hearing apps on an Android tablets look "stretched out" is this true?
I've found some olders apps are not optimized for the tablet but new ones have all looked fine. Some apps only viewable in Potrait too.

Biggest decider for me was the lack of Flash Video on iPad, now thou bigger plus of Android for me is the SopCast client.
one dislike of the android tab is if i am listening to a web stream i cannot multitask and browse another webpage or use another app
Glad I found this thread! I too don't know whether I should get an iPad 2 or Samsung Galaxy Tablet. The deal breaker for me are the apps. I keep hearing apps on an Android tablets look "stretched out" is this true?

I have not noticed this. The beauty of Android is that apps are designed for a variety of different resolutions. iPad's have only had 2 resolutions, regular and Retina (which is just 2x the pixels in each direction). The apps do not scale, and iPhone apps look horrible on the iPad if they do not have a tablet version. Angry Birds for the phone looks just as good on the tablet.



Apple's Appstore has it easy to find the "Tablet optimized apps" because they HAVE to have them due to the different resolutions between the phone and the tablet. Android is not like this, and I have had zero issues finding apps that look great.

Another thing to consider - you may not need the apps on the Android tablet. I have a Facebook app for one reason - to tell me when someone commented on something. When I see the notification, I do not open the app, I go to a full desktop enabled web browser and view the full facebook site.

I find that a lot of apps I use on my iPhone I can just use a web browser on my tablet.
+1 on the using browser instead of needing an App. I very rarely will use Apps like this as the Android tablet browser experience is nearly as good as a PC web browser
If you like tinkering with things I would propose you get the Android tablet. I have an Acer Iconia A500 tablet. It has a dual 1GHz Nvidia processor with 1gig ram and 16 Gig memory. I like connecting peripherals to my device and Android tablets comes with much better options.
Here are a few things that I can do with the tablet:
- In addition to the normal slave mode USB connector it also has a full size USB port (master mode) to which I can connect a Usb hub into which I can then plug in a normal keyboard and a mouse to use the tablet like a laptop
- It also has bluetooth
- it has an hdmi port which I can connect with my full HD television and then watch full HD Youtube videos while using a wireless mouse as a remote to navigate the screen. The processor easily handles the resolution
- I can connect my 1.3 terabytes NTFS formatted portable hard disk to it and both read and write files since the Acer tablet has a special driver software to handle the ntfs file system (something not all tablets can do because you normally have to use fat32 to make disks compatible between apple,linux and windows
- I watch my HD family videos from my external hard drive mp4's on my full HD television
- When I am on holiday I can use my tablet to transfer photos and videos from my video and digital camera to my portalble hard drive
- I can connect RS232 serial to usb devices to my tablet and monitor the serial output on an arduino microprocessor
- I use the USB port together with an app which turns my tablet into an oscilloscope
- I can write apps in java on my tablet using the free AIDE app, compile and install it without going through a market
- It has a micros SD slot for up to 32 gig extra memory
- it has all the sensors you would expect in a high end android tablet
- I really do not care for 3G in my tablet - that is what you use the wifi hotspot in your phone for (why keep track of expenses on 2 mobile phone sim cards?) 3G just adds unnecessary costs for something you already have in your phone
- The tablet has plenty of battery life
- I use the Vpn connection to connect to my work windows network and then use the JUMP app to remotely access the MSTC terminal service on my work Windows 7 PC as if I am sitting in front of it. All on my android tablet
- I can open Microsoft office documents easily
- I can run dosbox to execute old programs I have compiled in Watcom C for Dos long ago
- I can compile C++ code with full STL support and execute it on the tablet
- I listen to my itunes Music collection over wifi by streaming it with shoutcast streaming server from my laptop
- I easily share my tablet contents by sharing it via an FTP server running on the tablet
- I can browse my windows network at home and access all the shared windows folders without any problem

I can do almost anything that I can do with my laptop