10" Tablet for Playing Words with Friends


Jun 22, 2014
I have been playing Words with Friends on my 7" Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 and would like to switch to a 10" tablet. I have tried the Samsung 10.1" Tablet and the Samsung 10.1" Note but these will not let the game load on the screen in the Portrait position (So the game board takes up the whole screen). Does anyone know of a 10" Tablet that will work, you can play in Portrait mode on an ipad but I prefer Android. It may be the fact that android apps. are from Google Play and they just need to get there act together, I don't know.
The only Words with Friends that I am familiar with in Google Play Store is the New Words With Friends app, but it does not support Android tablets or devices that have a display larger than 7".
Neither my Asus FHD10 nor my Galaxy Note 2014 will run in portrait mode. Must be an Android thing.