3G (/4G) Mobile Broadband Modem for ASUS TF700 - Any suggestions?


Sep 7, 2012
I am looking to provide 3G (/4G) connectivity to an ASUS Transformer Infinity TF700.

Does anyone have prior experience of this - is it possible (looking at the network settings, it doesn't seem to be prepared for it)?
If so, what modems have proved to work?A

Any advice would be welcomed, thanks.
I am looking to provide 3G (/4G) connectivity to an ASUS Transformer Infinity TF700.

Does anyone have prior experience of this - is it possible (looking at the network settings, it doesn't seem to be prepared for it)?
If so, what modems have proved to work?A

Any advice would be welcomed, thanks.

Welcome to the forum

Getting any wireless modems, (3G/4G) working with Android is not an easy task. There are a few that have worked, but very few. I have a link below re: communicating when no WiFi is available that may lead you in the right direction.
Thanks a bundle for your reply even though it is not immediately very encouraging.

However, the link 'How to get connected to the Internet when no WiFi is available' suggests that the USB dongle, which I already have (Huawei E173) has been tested with Android 4. The problem is, though, that the Android version installed in my ASUS tablet does not have the 'Mobile Network Settings', which is shown in the 2nd screen shot.

I suspect that this means that I would have to instal an alternative version of Android in order to use my 3G USB modem.

Is this a correct assumption? Or is it possible to add in additional functionality somehow (I am fairly new to Android although I have many years experience with WinDoze(!) and have dabbled a bit with Linux from time to time.

If so, what is involved in either installing an alternative version or adding the 'Mobile Network Settings' functionality and where can this be sourced?

I hope that someone can provide the advice I am looking for, thanks.
I don't have those settings either. Unfortunately I could only post info for what I could find. There are a few other solutions with my favorite being a MiFi hotspot. There are also a few routers that can use a 3G dongle and you connect to the router using the WiFi.

I didn't say it would be easy. ;)