7015 -- kinda growing on me...


Nov 26, 2010
What can I say, I'm glad I didn't sell the damn tablet a week after unboxing it. At first I was really upset with the quirkiness of it all; the volume control is still sketchy, the screen is too sensitive and the appslib absolutely suck, but after using it for the past week and rooting it this morning, I gotta say it's growing on me. And seeing the total support from the Kyros/Android community really makes you appreciate the product.

I do plan on upgrading to the 2.3os once the new ones come out, but for now, I'm really starting to like this little guy :)
Yeah it's a great technology in it's infancy and we maybe asking a little too much for such a budget tablet. I really like mine because I don't have to "boot" Bill Gates to surf the web for quick info.
I'm trying to learn as much possible about android - this is my first android device and so far its been a good experience. I was browsing the news forum and came accross a thread about adding phone capabilities to android tablets with microphone - which the Kyros has - I'm thinkin about trying this out.

Here's the link:
I do this with EchoLink (HAM radio stuff) but feel funny walking around with the Coby held up to my ear.
What can I say, I'm glad I didn't sell the damn tablet a week after unboxing it. At first I was really upset with the quirkiness of it all; the volume control is still sketchy, the screen is too sensitive and the appslib absolutely suck, but after using it for the past week and rooting it this morning, I gotta say it's growing on me. And seeing the total support from the Kyros/Android community really makes you appreciate the product.

I do plan on upgrading to the 2.3os once the new ones come out, but for now, I'm really starting to like this little guy :)

I've started liking it, too. Appslib is relatively easy to replace with full Market, which has MANY more apps. I did it by rooting the Coby and then installing the Market .apk, but not sure if you really have to root first. Some pretty easy to follow how-tos are right here on this forum.

Google says Android 3.0 will be the first operating system geared toward tablets, so I'll probably wait for that to hit some cheap plastic.

I was sold on the Coby when I found out I could download currently best-selling ebooks and even audio ebooks from my local library for free with just a few taps, after setting up a few accounts. Very cool. Among other things, the Coby is a pretty decent iTunes-style player, though you need a fairly big pocket to stash it in. They even provided the ear buds. What's not to like for under $150 US?
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I really love my Kyros and carry it everywhere. It is the best $150 that I have spent in a long time.

I read somewhere (maybe this forum?) a user say that if you were involved in computers in the early 80s then you will feel right at home with the Kyros. I totally agree. If someone is looking for a tablet that you just turn on and it does everything out of the box without any thinking then the Kyros is not for you (just look at all the negative reviews on Amazon to see these kind of users). If you don't mind having to use your brain and doing a little research to fine tune it then the Coby Kyros is perfect for you.