Adobe releases new videos showing off Flash on Android phones, tablets


Staff member
Dec 15, 2009
Adobe released a new video displaying Flash 10.1 on smartphones, including the Motorola (NYSE: MOT) Droid, Nexus One, and Palm (NSDQ: PALM) Pre, as well as some netbooks and tablets. Adobe is really pushing their name so they can get into the minds of people who use their products every day, but may not know it.There is also HTML5, which can, and theoretically will, make Flash useless for embedded video/video streaming. Useless? Maybe. Today? Not even close. HTML5 is great and all, but even when it is ready to go, adoption won’t be so fast. Why? Because Flash is everywhere, and soon, it will be on many different smartphone platforms, which will give it a sort of ‘rebirth’, if you will. Flash is available on very few mobile devices as of right now, but once the flood gates open, and Flash 10.1 is on smartphones, it opens a whole world of content for them. Flash games, and video content, Steve Job’s worst nightmare. Customer freedom, that is.
Flash on smartphones is like a whole new application market for users, on top of their existing ones. Although not yet optimized for touch only devices, Flash games are bound to be a hit for tablets and smartphones of the like. “Do I want to watch this for free on Hulu on my computer, or do I want to buy it from iTunes so I can watch it on my iPhone?” Furthermore, “Do I want to pay five dollars to access Hulu on my iPad, or do I want a device that won’t charge me to do what I want?” It seems pretty obvious to me. While HTML5 may be on the up and up, it’s not going to have anywhere near the content that Flash has available anytime soon, no matter how Apple (NSDQ: AAPL) spins it. Apple may be anti-Flash, but even they are guilty of showing Flash on the iPad in advertisements. Whatever Apple’s real beef is with Adobe, get over it. They aren’t all that bad. With 70% of games, and 75% of video content online, as much as you may believe in what Apple has to say about Adobe’s baby, you still have it install, do you not?
Flash isn’t going away anytime soon, and Adobe is trying to make people aware of that.

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