Advice on a new tablet please...


May 25, 2011
As stated in posts elsewhere, I am considering picking up a Coby MID1024. If for no other reason that it is available to pick up super cheap.

Before I pull the trigger though, I wanted to seek some input.

I am looking for a tablet to supplement my iPad2 and HTC Evo usage. The iPad is great, but I really wanted an Android tablet from the jump. My wife and daughter use the iPad alot, so the Android tablet will be more or less for me to mess with when they steal the iPad (or for my wife to play Bejeweled on).

My needs are fairly simple...

- Capacitive Screen
- Somewhat Hackable
- Minimum 1ghz CPU
- Cheap... OK, inexpensive

I had a Nook Color which was great, but I like the idea of a camera and mic inputs as well.

So before I snag the Coby, is there something else I am missing that might be a little more Root/Mod/Hack friendly or run Honeycomb?

Do you folks think the Kyros1024 will ever run Honeycomb or Ice Cream Sandwich?
i am not familiar with the coby tablet. i have never been too impressed with coby products though. it seems they make electronics just to get something out there because its the "next best thing". i have owned three asus transformers and was not impressed with the quality. i had dead pixels and light bleed on everyone. i picked up the acer iconia a500 tab after reading reviews. never really impressed with acer products either but went out on a limb and purchased it anyway. i will tell you that it is great! it is up to par as far as specs with the xoom's and ipads. it also has a usb slot with makes it a must buy for me. i dont think i could purchase another tablet without one! if you check ebay i heard they are going for around 385. you can pick one up at bestbuy for 450.
What's your budget scottfish?

Would the Viewsonic G Tablet - $279 TigerDirect an option for you?

Best tablet for that price IMO.

I had a G-Tablet last year. The viewing angles killed it for me.

Thanks guys. I really don't have a budget per se if I choose to buy one, I'd like to stay under $200 (to throw out an arbitrary # I guess).

The big issue is that if I snap up that Coby it will literally be ZERO dollars out of pocket since I am buying it w/ "points" that I have earned over time.

Knowing how my mind works though, I just worry that I'll get this, even though it'll be for free, and immediately start thinking "for the cost of a night out, I could have had a xxxxx that is way more moddable/hackable." Thus causing a spiral of buying and selling tablets :) .

The big drawback as I see it is that it (Coby Mid1024) is seemingly locked into Froyo. That is my mental roadblock. If I knew it had a solid path to upgrading to "Tablet-centric" Android, I'd hit the buy button instantly.
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**Decision Made**

Ordered the Coby Kyros MID1024. I guess if I don't like it I can always sell it and snap up something different.
I personally love my A500. Here in he Netherlands they sell only 32gb version. Dit perfectly completes my I9100 :)

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