android table tether

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Dec 28, 2010
Can you tether something like a viewsonic to a cell phone? I looked at viewsonic and it looks like it only works on wifi.
Can you buy something like that and tether it?
Yes you can. There are several existing threads here that already cover this in detail, but you can directly tether from your phone to your Viewsonic tablet.

-sent from my ViewSonic gTablet via my Droid Incredible via WifiTether on VZW
I have a thread on how to do it with step by step instructions. Very easy.

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk
I know you can WiFi tether the tab to your phone, is it possible to do wired tether?
ahh. Well, since there is a USB port on the tab, and there are apps out there for connecting the Ethernet via USB the tablet side of things should be possible. The real question I have is if there anything out there that would allow you to do it from the phone side. I have never seen anything that allows you to connect that way on any of the newer phones. Also, all of the sharing apps I have seen on the phone side either expect to connect out via WiFi or Bluetooth.

So, I guess technically possible, but not practical AFAIK.

Now, in terms of simply being able to connect the tablet directly to the network wired, the Malata dock (listed here on another thread) does have an RJ-45 jack to connect directly that way.

I use PDANet for connecting my various PC's and Laptop. I haven't tried to load PDA net on the tablet, but it would seem that the app from the market (or side loading it) would put the android phone app on it and not the client side app.

It is really moot with WiFi tethering, but was something I was thinking about the other day.
I seems Proxoid uses aspects of ABD in the SDK to forward the port from the phone to the pc you're trying to tether to... so it wont work on a tablet..

Proxoid... ... MIGHT be able to do it.. but it works off of being able to set the browser to work from the proxy settings.. haven't delved into the viewsonics browser enough to know if it has ability for proxy settings .. and with this you'd be limited to tehtering to a Android phone...

put this app on your Android phone anbd then change the proxy setting to ... local host ... and the port to 8080 ... even there aren't proxy settings for the tablet i know there are a couple apps on the Android Market that enable them...

i've used this with my laptop before i rooted and went to wireless tether...
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