Android Tablet Suggestions ~ $200


Aug 10, 2010
I'm looking for an android Tablet for around $200-$300. I'm looking for something with a multi-touch (capacitive) screen and can do that usually means 2.2 firmware. It would be nice to have something at the same speed or faster then my Moto Droid. I am a IT tech so I'm not worried about Rooting or anything like that. As for size, not to picky 10'' would be nice but I wouldn't mind a 8''. I don't mind if it doesn't work right out of the box but would like it to be stableish after rooting/patching has been done. I have been looking at some of the Archo's but not to sure what everyone things/suggests. Once I get one I will try to be more active on here. :)
Thanks guys.
bumping this because looking for the exact same specs but will to go down to 2.1 (if it can run some flash) and at least an 800mhz processor with 512 or 1ghz with 256+

I did see the Herotab M10 but it looks like those are going to be out of stock for awhile :/
You can take a loog at the link in my signature. It will most certanly help. Most tablets there are below 200$ (if you want Android 2.1) or just over 200$ if you want Android 2.2. If you want a capacitive screen than a few more bucks are necessary.
You can take a loog at the link in my signature. It will most certanly help. Most tablets there are below 200$ (if you want Android 2.1) or just over 200$ if you want Android 2.2. If you want a capacitive screen than a few more bucks are necessary.

i saw that...only ones that fit specs are either too expensive or out of stock :/
Check out the Huawei S7 in stock at most Best Buys. Only thing on your list is it is resistive rather than capacitive, but I can tell you it is by far and way the best resistive screen I have ever used.
I'm looking for an android Tablet for around $200-$300. I'm looking for something with a multi-touch (capacitive) screen and can do that usually means 2.2 firmware.

mpit52: I'm having a hard time finding the specs that you want. The biggest sticking point is capacitive. I've found Android 2.2 tables running flash with resistive screens. Or screens with capacitive, but only running Android 2.1 with 256MB RAM. Hopefully someone else is able to find you something, but with the price range you choose and the requirements you have... i'm not seeing anything. has a nice Android 2.2 8" tablet that runs flash for $226.00. Although, it's resistive, not capacitive. Here is the link --->
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mpit52: I'm having a hard time finding the specs that you want. The biggest sticking point is capacitive. I've found Android 2.2 tables running flash with resistive screens. Or screens with capacitive, but only running Android 2.1 with 256MB RAM. Hopefully someone else is able to find you something, but with the price range you choose and the requirements you have... i'm not seeing anything. Best Deals on Android Tablet,Tablet PC,Smartphones,Apple Accessories,Cool Gadgets & more from Hong Kong China has a nice Android 2.2 8" tablet that runs flash for $226.00. Although, it's resistive, not capacitive. Here is the link ---> 8 Inch Android 2.2 OS Tablet with Freescale iMX515 Cortex A8 Chip, 512M RAM, support Flash Player 10 - US$226.00 :

which capacitive are running 2.1 with 256ram? and what is the processor on them?
Thanks everyone for the info. I have to change my notification options because I didn't know anyone replied to this until now. lol. I'm not totally against the resistive screens as long as it will let me us my fingers accurately..I don't want to be forced to use a stylus...As long as I can browse the web, play music, browse youtube...I'm basically fine.
Thanks everyone for researching tables for me. So with the capacitive requirement out of the way, what are my best options? Like I said in my 1st post, I would like it to run equal or better then my moto droid if possible lol.

My Archos 101 matches your specs & cost $308, incl shipping from Global computer.
How's that running for you? Any problems, slow/sluggish at all? Will have to look into that.
Think im just going to wait now. Since 3.0 should be coming out soon..I'll see if I can get a 3.0 early so I can test/review it for everyone.