Anyone have a Coby Kyros 7015?


Senior Member
Aug 5, 2010
Saw this thing in Kmart over the Thanksgiving weekend for $179. The sales accociate let me play with it in the store a bit... it seemed actually pretty functional for the money, WAY better than the Augen78 i had a few months back. screen was pretty responsive, seemed quick, but there wasn't a wifi that i could test out the net functionality. g sensor, mic, HDMI.....

COBY - Kyros™ Internet Touchscreen Tablet

What's the down tick on these things?
that tablet honestly is not worth it! I bought it and returned it within 24 hours due to couple of problems. Appslib does not work out of the box, you have to find a way to update it manually, also wifi is very spotty which was the biggest reason for my return, It could not maintain or keep the connection live for more than five mins. It is a solid tablet for video playback nothing out there has the capability as this one but wifi connectivity issue really is a sore problem.
Mine worked fine with the wifi in my house. I didn't have trouble with appslibb other than a few had a parsing error but it seems great for the money. The reason I bought mine is because the college im going to has campus wide wireless. Just what i needed for emails on the go.
Here are my impressions for Kyros 7015 that I posted on another forum.

"I am in the process of testing one from Kmart, 7015 model. As most of these, it has plenty of good and bad points.

Build quality is not great, but very decent.
It is very responsive. Almost as good as my snapdragon based Ideos S7 when making selections and running some games.
Battery last fairly long. No scientific tests but so far is on par with most other tablets. I have not consumed all battery power on one sitting but would guestimate 5-6 hours with wifi on.
Screen is resistive but very responsive.
Video seems accelerated. A couple of mp4 that would not run on other tablets, work flawlessly here with stock player with very, very good definition.
Power plug is the same as some old Samsung phones so I have an old USB cable that works for charging, BUT, charges very slowly. AC adapter is 2000ma and usb is around 500ma so no surprise. Still good for trickle charging.
Accelerometer works nicely and stock home screen rotates completely.
Extremely easy to root with z4root.
After rooting, LCD density manages screen DPI nicely.
Plenty of storage space for apps installing. I installed a pretty large amout of apks and still had room to spare.

Now the negatives:

While most games work, video overlay is broken on some (Angry Birds
Wifi so far has been consisten but antenna seems a little weak.
Audio volume is a tad low. Similar to the PDN. I may be spoiled because of the speaker on the Ideos is noticeably louder.
Battery not easy to replace compared to others.
And the one snag I have been having which may make me return it, is that it has stopped working twice after letting it sit for a prolonged period. I do admit it may be a faulty unit
but I am not willing to risk $189 (local Kmart price). It happened yesterday and again today after it charged. Seems some sleep issue that I am trying to figure out."
I bought one and will tell you that it is pretty useless out of the box. So I did extensive research (and some hacking on my Kyros) and wrote up What I call the Ultimate users guide.

It will tell you how to root your device, backup your settings, and also add Google Marketplace

Check out the guide here: Coby Kyros MID7015 Android Tablet

or at XDA-Developers here: Coby Kyros MID7015 Utimate Guide - Rooting, Android Market, ClockworkMod Recovery - xda-developers


Jason Andreas

Just wanted to thank you. Followed your instructions and added GE to my Kyros and backed up with clockwork recovery.
Hats off to you.
I bought one and rooted it, worked fine after installing market. Doesn't have flash support, does anyone know if there are any 2.2 tons out there for it bc I think the processing is there for it...

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I got my Kyros on black friday. Before i buy a Sd card for it will it work with SDHC cards or only Sd cards? Thanks for your help.
I actually saw this advertised on The Shopping Channel over the weekend. Not one to ogle things on that channel, but the demo looked good and the price point seemed quite reasonable. Too bad it doesn't live up to its promise.
Ok, I have a Kyros. Love it so far. It has its limitations but the price is awesome compared to cell carrier models priced between $500-$700. Android tablets are still a work in progress and will always be just as Android phones because of the nature of what Android is. As polished and refined as Linux Distros can be they are still somewhat experimental though stable because you have so many devs writing programs and so many different distros and kernels.

My tablet was rooted 30 minutes out of the box. My Android phones have taught me to backup everything and often, mainly due to my tinkering with them. What's the purpose of having a non-proprietary piece of equipment if it's limited in its capabilities anyway?

The tablet thus far is incapable of bluetooth anything. Not even a dongle will work on it yet. Some will power up the dongle but have no communication, some will lock up, some will crash, some will continue operating just fine as if there was nothing plugged in.

Wifi has been fine on mine. Apps Library worked out of the box great, though it is limited from the normal Android Market. There is an E-book reader that comes stock with the tablet. I don't use it (or haven't thus far) so I don't know how well it works.

After rooting I installed Gapps on mine which installs Android Market and allows installation of Market apps. Some work, some don't as these apps are designed to work with phones not tablets. Such apps as "LCDdensity" and "Netfront Screens" don't work on my tablet.

There are some tweeks that can be made to make the tablet do all sorts of things it's not set up to do from the factory. You just have to imagine what you want it to do and plug it into Google and see what you get. I will say that these tablets are probably gonna be a let-down for those who are not tech savvy or used to Android/ Linux. If you just want a cheap E-book reader or somewhere to store photos, videos and such it's great.

As of this time the only 2.2 ROM for the MID 7015 is a Cyanogen mod ROM (AFAIK) and is pretty limited and very experimental at this stage.

Hope I helped answer a question or two for some here. I am by no means a tablet guru though so don't ask really technical questions of me or you'll get a blank stare. LOL
I bought 4x for my kids on blk friday at kmart and i've been having some issues with them. 2x of them lost all of there memory(audio and video stuff I uploaded to them) but when I plug it up to my laptop it says the memory is still full/contents are in there. Also, they seem to "lock up" every once in a while and the applips doesnt seem to work(maybe cause everyone was trying to log in for christmas). I got them for $139 which I thought was a really good deal. The movies I uploaded to them play great and clear. Is there an update for the software or should I return them while I can? Ive had to exchange 2x of them already because of the memory loss. Please help... i might be running out of time. p.s. what is rooting and will it speed up or prevent less locking up? Im not that tech savvy n more mechanicaly inclinded so detailed instructions would be great. Thanks and merry xmas
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my wife just got me a coby kyros mid7015,,it was working perfect until i turn it off.this morning my appslib stop working it keeps saying server error,please check your connection.,but my wifi is perfect and i can even go online.can sum1 plz let me know what to do it was working perfect now it dosent work..or if there is any other way you can go to your apps to get new stuff ,,,[email protected] ty :)