Archos 43 available @

That must be a sign that the 70 and 101 are coming soon. I tell you what though, if that 101 comes preorder before the Elocity a7 is released, I might just get that. It's a hard choice between the 3. I have the Elocity on preorder, but my first choice was get the Archos.

Yeah someone was telling me that the archos 70 and 101 would follow shortly after, here's to hoping! They got the market apk so high five^^ I may just settle for a 101 myself but I won't know for sure until November 2nd when I have my cash to spend lol. I just couldn't bring myself to buy anything from china shipping. Although I was very close.
It was interesting. This morning about 9 AM central. 3PM GMT, I did my daily check on Amazon and the search for the 43, 70 and 101 were all available for pre-order. Then when I went back to show someone at 11:30, the 101 and 70 were gone. I guess someone got over anxious.
Google on the other hand still shows the same suspects
Archos 101 Internet Tablet - Android 2.2 1 GHz
So, why is Amazon's price for the Archos 43 shown to be $250, while Archo's web site and other promotional materials say it is $199? Did Archos change their mind since originally announcing that price? I don't want to overpay; $199 seems reasonable to me.
the archos 43 on in the link i provided is a 16gb unit.
I saw the Archos 43 at Media Markt in Germany since I'm here for the weekend. It is about he size of a GPS unit. Felt very sturdy, the case was a bit of a glossy dark grey, which didn't look right to me. Unfortunately they didn't have the display unit powered up so it was not running:(. I'll have to double check the pricing the next time I stop in. It will probably be a bit more in Euro.
the archos 43 on in the link i provided is a 16gb unit.

I was wondering if that was it. So, are they really supposed to have an 8GB unit too?

This would be my first Android device. When it comes to installing apps, how important is the difference between 8GB and 16GB? Obviously, if I wanted to download videos to it for watching on a plane, etc. then the more the better. But, how about just for apps and other modest uses?
Well, just think about the 8gb ipod touch. A small screen, but slightly bigger. They will indeed be selling the 8gb archos 43 still. You can get one at As well as other sites. I think for the apps 8gb should be enough. You don't need to go app crazy, and when you're done with one app or game, delete it. So for apps and other modest uses, I'd say an 8gb is just fine.
I'm also interested in it for development of Droid apps. But, memory probably won't matter for that since development is done on the PC. I've downloaded the android dev tools and have started playing around with it (pretty cool stuff!) My thinking is that I want a smaller device so that I can make sure my apps work decently with a small screen, so they should still work fine with a larger screen. The opposite may not be true though, if I develop for 10" screen and then someone tries to run app on an Archos 28, only to find that my widgets don't all fit on the screen. (Yes, I know the virtual android device thing lets me specify different screen sizes and try them out.) I'd get the 32 now except that I like the 43 adds a speaker... I don't always want to be reaching for the earphones just to make sure that any sound that my apps output is actually working. Oh, plus I have fat fingers.