Archos 7 vs Apad - Which one is more hackable?

May 28, 2010
Hi people I'm new; trying to get as much info as I can before getting a tablet, tired of browsing mini pages on my cellphone.

OK, what I want to know (if there's anyone willing to help me on this one) is what things I can't do on Archos 7 that I will be able to do with an Apad... or viceversa or if it doesn't matter maybe both are the same? Like downloading apps from the android market. Can I download apps on both or just one or the other? Any help on that... I'm trying to decide which one to get, I think Archos 7 is a better option, better value for my money and I don't take the risk of getting a damage unit right out of the box or one that probably last for a couple of days. I don't know... any help, thanks in advanced.

Edit: Never mind; I decided for the Archos 7. Apad sucks!
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