Asus ME302C - Lost Automatic WiFi Connection


Junior Member
Jun 5, 2014
Each time I open my Asus Memo Pad ME302C, I must open the upper right menu and click on wi-fi to establish the connection.
I ask Asus Support... and they offer me different solutions that didn't work. The last one mentionned : do a Factory Reset. I don't want to do reset...
Is there another solution or direction I could look ? Anyone with that problem before ?
And what's the actual Android version installed on my machine : Jelly Bean ?
Firmware : 4.3
IFWI : 51.33
Kernel (core) : 3.4.43 android@mec8 #1
Build : JSS15Q.US_epad-V5.0.19-20140516
Thank you !
Welcome to the forum!

I would try long pressing the wifi connection and then forgetting the network. Then add it back and see if that helps.
Hi cactus, congratulations on your new Memo Pad and welcome to the forum. Glad you decided to join us here at Android Tablets. It looks like you're running Android 4.3. That would be Jelly Bean. Hopefully, Frederuco's suggestion will work and you won't have to reset, though I wouldn't anyway if that's the only problem.
I think my problem is with the ON button that does not want to "stick" ON.
It seems that my wi-fi settings are not saved/changed when I close the tablet.
I might be misunderstanding your problem, but the ON button isn't supposed to "stick" ON. A quick tap should put the tablet to "sleep" and a long press should result in a "shut down" message and turn it OFF.
The ON button at the top left of the photo.


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Try to find a place with free WiFi and see if the same thing happens.
I'd also recommend you try resetting your router. Just unplug it from the power outlet for a minute and plug it back in. Can't hurt and often helps.
It's time to close my case !
I tried different external (my friends) routers with the same result : no wi-fi connection after closing and reopening the tablet.
I think it's a problem particular with my tablet, not a router problem. I will « keep » my problem for now hoping for sudden solution in the future.
I want to thank those who took time to read and suggest a solution.
I had a similar problem with my Polaroid tablet. It will not work with a router using the wep security setting. I had to upgrade my router to wpa security otherwise I would have to keep resting my tablet WiFi constantly.

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