Battery life and power button


Feb 19, 2011
The battery seems to run down in about 2-3 days on standby with no usage. Is this normal?

I found the power button does not always work as expected.

1. When on, pressing it briefly turns off the screen. This means sleep mode, right?

2. When on, pressing it long leads to the pop up to choose a few options.

3. When in sleep mode, pressing the button briefly does not always turn it back on. Not sure what the delay is. Sometimes it won't come back on w/o a reboot (and once on, the battery is not zero so it's not powered off b/c of low battery)

4. When in sleep mode, pressing the button long sometime leads to a reboot.

Is there some kind of settings I am missing to get consistent response?

The battery seems to run down in about 2-3 days on standby with no usage. Is this normal?

I found the power button does not always work as expected.

1. When on, pressing it briefly turns off the screen. This means sleep mode, right?

2. When on, pressing it long leads to the pop up to choose a few options.

3. When in sleep mode, pressing the button briefly does not always turn it back on. Not sure what the delay is. Sometimes it won't come back on w/o a reboot (and once on, the battery is not zero so it's not powered off b/c of low battery)

4. When in sleep mode, pressing the button long sometime leads to a reboot.

Is there some kind of settings I am missing to get consistent response?


I noticed some of the same issues with the power button as you are having when I was running TnTLite. However, I do not have that issue running CM7 so it may be a ROM issue or settings for that particular ROM.

The battery running down in 2 or 3 days probably has to do with the WiFi settings. Most ROMS and recommendations is to set WiFi to always on/never sleep. I set mine to that but also added a widget to turn it on and off on the home screen so that if I know I'm not going to use it for a long period, it will be off. No since collecting emails throughout the day if I'm not using it!

Also, be sure to turn off WiFi when you are not in range of a wireless connection. It takes more energy for the WiFi to continuously search for available networks then to actually be connected (not including heavy downloads). This includes in your car, laptop bag or where ever you may have it.
Took your advice on WiFi widget. And I set the display to turn off in 5 min, WiFi to turn off once screen is off.

Now, once it goes into sleep, it will actually shutdown soon. And it will go through a full reboot when I turn it on.

Anything I am missing?

See if you get better results with that setting. You may also play around with the screen brightness. There are apps and Widgets for setting the brightness quickly. Let me know how you make out.

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The problem now is that it shuts down every time when the display goes off. It seems that if Wi-Fi is turned off, the device will shut down in stead of going to sleep. Any way to prevent that?
I haven't had that issue. Maybe someone who has can help you. Ill do some searching also.

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