Bluetooth on Haipad M701-R


Dec 24, 2010
Has anyone been able to get a USB bluetooth to work with this tablet yet??

This is the one thing this tablet doesn't have that I really miss.
Nope. That its something that you would have to buy a tablet with it already on it

Sent from my ADR6300 using Android Tablet Forum App
I tried two different bluetooth dongles with no luck.

Sent from my Haipad M701-R using Android Tablet Forum App
Yeah, I've been kind of wondering about that too ever since I looked at the block diagram on Telechips' web site - if BT is built into the chip does that mean the only reason we can't use it is a firmware/driver issue? If so, does it mean a future firmware release could enable the feature? Or are the pinouts from the chip associated with BT literally not connected to anything?
Think I found the answer in some Telechips documentation. It says Bluetooth can only be enabled if the device has a "Bluetooth sub-board" installed (just as it says Wi-Fi can't be used unless there is a "Wi-Fi Module" installed). Not exactly sure how these features are considered "built-in" if you need additional modules/boards to make them work (which sounds very NOT built-in to me). Telechips, however, doesn't have any more information that I could find about these required add-ons. They don't appear to make them, but it also doesn't say who does or where to get them (I guess only the OEM's know). In theory if you found one of these sub-boards in a dead tablet you might be able to "transplant" it into a Haipad, but you'd still need the drivers in the rom before it would work.

On a related note, I've seen a couple places online selling the "Haipad M701-R Enhanced" (the 4GB model with the fixed SD slot) and claiming it has Bluetooth capability. Can anyone who HAS one of the 4GB Haipads confirm this? There is no mention of such capability on the Haipad product page for the M701-R Enhanced. This leads me to believe the sellers are either misinformed or intentionally misleading customers.
I have the 4gb M701-r with the fixed SD slot, it still sticks out, but not near as much as the old one, I used to have the NuPad.

The Bluetooth does not turn on, which tells me it's not built in, unless I don't know how to enable it.
It seems there are a M701-B (bluetooth version), and a M701-RB (remote+BT version)... see this link

Anyway, I can connect successfully a BT dongle in my M701-R 4GB HY. The gongle model are a Belkin F8T008.