Broken Screen


Junior Member
Sep 4, 2014
So, apparently, I broke my uniden tablet screen. the touch screen still works, but all you can see are grey lines. the only reason I know it still works is because the lines change when I flip the tablet on its side, and at one point I attempted to put in my password and could hear the little "tap tap" sound it makes when you type something on the keyboard. I can still turn it off by pressing the off button, and the option for sleep mode still works when I tap it(part of the screen turns a different shade, that's how I can tell where it is). I am wondering if I can still save the data, in case I get another tablet, on my macbook. I have a usb and a small usb (one fits in the uniden, one in the computer).
Photo on 9-4-14 at 9.16 PM.jpg
Photo on 9-4-14 at 9.16 PM.jpg
Photo on 9-4-14 at 9.16 PM #4.jpg
Photo on 9-4-14 at 9.16 PM #2.jpg