Can Apps Be Re-Downloaded?


Feb 21, 2012
Well guys and gals, I've read and searched what seems like forever but in all reality probably has only been 30 minutes :) All I really need to know for now is: If my brand new Acer Iconia A500 32 gb tablet decided to crash on me would I be able to go back to the Android Market Place and or the Amazon Android App Store and re-download the 10 to 15 new apps I've bought or downloaded for free again without any more fees? I ask because I'm new to Android and I have had apple products for many years and on the Apple App store they keep track of your purchases and you can re-download them anytime you need to. (By the way I finally got tired of Apple controlling everything that I can or can't do on my Apple IOS machines) LOL So thats why I have jumped ship over to Android and so far I absolutely love the freedom that the Android OS offers!!!!

So what's the verdict for my new Android tablet "hopefully soon to be new friends"? Can I go back and download the apps or am I up the proverbial creek without a paddle :) Please keep in mind this hasn't happened yet and I intend to backup my new Acer Tablet as quick as I learn how to so this doesn't happen but I got so carried away with downloading very nice and cool apps at first rather than learning how to backup my tablet :) Yes I do know that isn't the smartest move I could have made but it will soon be corrected. Thanks for any help you can offer........

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Staff member
Mar 24, 2011
Yes, you can go back and get the apps again. Once you bought them, you own them and you can even put them on another device if you use the same account. Your only problem would be losing your settings and data. When you decide to learn about backups, Titanium backup is very good for backing up apps and data. Requires root though.


Feb 21, 2012
Howdy Spider, thanks a bunch! As far as backing up that probably was going to be my next learning process. I really appreciate the heads up on both subjects and I am for sure a die hard fan of backing my computers up. On my MacBookPro it gets a backup every hour on the hour as long as it's turned on. Then on my other computers they get backed up any time I use them. I mainly just use my MBP and now my new A500. I'll check out both apps and probably make one bacup with the free version and if I like it go back and send the very limited amount of cash left after buying my A500 :) Thanks again. I'll be posting more as I learn and read :)
