Can't set - up Exchange accounts for calendar or Yahoo?


Aug 29, 2011
I just got a 7" MID Android Tablet with 2.2 Froy O/S, everytime I try to set-up a new appointment item on my calendar, I get the message.."You have no calendars set-up". The Instruction manual says that I need to add an "Exchange account".Where and how do I set up an Exchange account? Also when I try to set up my Yahoo account, I get an error saying that the "Server cannot connect". I was able to link my Yahoo account to a new Gmail account that I created, but I just want to know why it keeps saying "Server cannot connect" for Yahoo, but it let me create a new G-mail account?
I am having this same issue with my tablet. WM8650 Andriod 2.2

I am able to connect and check gmail, but cannot get to calendars. Very disappointing since the calendar to sync with Google calendar was one of the biggest features I was trying to get when I finally purchased a tablet.

Please help if you can.

thank you in advance.