Coby Kyos wifi and Wireless Tether


Nov 3, 2010
I have just rooted my Huawei phone and added the wifi tethering app Wireless Tether. I am certain that the app is working because I can see it on my MacBookPro. I can in no way shape or form see the wireless hotspot that was created by the app on my Coby.

I purchased a MiFi from Virgin Mobile, and would like to take it back and just use the unlimited data plan on my phone, but need to know what I might be missing. Any suggestions??
Bump. I rooted my droid and the wireless tethering does not show up in my available wireless networks in my coby mid 7015. I am curious why as well. Maybe because its Ad-hoc?
That should not matter. I can see it on my ipad and iPod touches with no issues. So I wonder if it is something in android
What's that? Wireless tether? For some reason it doesnt show up on my kyros but it does on every other device


I just learned that the tablets do not support ad-hoc (ibbs) connections. Is there any way to get around that ? Like a patch or something?

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most of the android tablets out there wont do ad-hoc(peer to peer) networking.. you have to edit the wpa suplicant file... there is a link to an article on the XDA website that details what and how to edit... to do it you have to have root access to the tablet.... there's a few links on here in other posts about other tablets.. do a search you can find them.

also.. wireless tether is an app that you run on your rooted android PHONE ... it creates an adhoc network that forwards the data connection your phones uses to your wifi enabled device (tablet in this case)... but the device you're using has the support adhoc networks... and android doesn't natively.... though.. if have a rooted EVO or DroidX.. the latest version of wireless tether does support infrastrure mode(just like your home wifi would be) and the tablet should connect to that as it would any wifi hotspot