Coby Kyros 8048 Dump

Wouldn't installing a different busybox trigger a NAND lock anyway?
No, busybox, su, and so forth are add ons, modifying or replacing core files, triggers nand lock. You can add what files you want, but if you modify or remove core files, you can trigger nand lock.
So, I made a backup with vampirefo.'s fake_recovery and then proceeded to screw up my 8048 further.

I decided to try making a system dump as per vampirefo.'s instructions early in this thread to see if it would be the same size as the one made by the fake_recovery. But because the cat command in /system/bin/ had been rendered inoperable by messing with stericson's busybox installer, I tried using "busybox cat". It didn't look like it had worked correctly:

@android:/ busybox cat /dev/mtd/mtd2 > /sdcard/dump/system.img
> /sdcard/dump/system.img <

However I mounted the USB drive and found the dump had been made. So I rebooted the tablet only to find the wallpaper was gone and the task bar at the bottom was missing. I couldn't reset the wallpaper and had to reboot to get back to the home screen or switch to another app. A factory data reset didn't change anything.

So next I tried using flash_image to restore a system dump I had made before installing streicson's busybox. The system partiton was written succesfully according to adb shell. So I rebooted and found that it stayed stuck on the Coby splash screen. It wouldn't shut down with the power button, so I stuck a wire in the reset hole. The tablet rebooted the Coby splash screen and still never loaded android.

Finally, by sticking a wire in the reset hole with one hand with the fingers of my other hand poised on the volume-down and power buttons to press them quickly, I was able to get into recovery. From there I was able to boot into vampirefo.'s fake_recovery and restore the system backup. This allowed the tablet to reboot android and gave me back the wallpaper and task bar.
Using a dump I made with the first version of stericson busybox and copies of the bin and xbin folders that I made after uninstalling stericson busybox the first time, I was able to create an an improperly signed system update that I was able to install with vampirefo's fake recovery to return my tablet to stock.

Here is a backup I made with the fake recovery after returning my tablet to stock:

The link for Vampirefo's fake_7036_recovery to restore the backup is in the first post of this thread:

I also managed to make a fake update to root and install busybox without any simlinks which allowed me to make a dump of my 8048 after returning it to stock:

I purchased the tablet from in June as a refurbished item. Nov 22 16:29:06 CST 2012
Build number: IML74K 20121122.162835
Kernel 3.0.0-tcc(eng.20121122.162835)
Hardware m805_892x
WiFi Chip Type: RTL8188C_8192C Chip Version ID: VERSION_NORMAL_TSMC_CHIP_88C. RF_Type is 3!! EEPROM type is E-FUSE

I don't know whether this tablet has nand lock or not, I can't find much information about how to tell.
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I don't know whether this tablet has nand lock or not, I can't find much information about how to tell.

Don't remember exactly where I saw it, but Vampirefo said to run lsmod and look for nand.ko. If it has nand.ko loaded, it has a nand lock.
I think that's this thread:

So,to summarize:
The Development Index and Root Utility thread warns that Coby tablets purchased in July, 2013 or later have nand lock.
Vampirefo says:
"you can do lsmod if nand.ko shows up you have nand lock.
Coby is using this type of kernel and module to lock out nand which makes tablet useless. the fix would be to add that kernel and the required modules to CWM recovery, but no one yet has uploaded a stock recovery containing nand.ko."
"The nand lock is a new thing added to some of Coby tablets. Some of their allwinner tablets have it, I don't know what other tablets have it."

Where my confusion comes in is that another poster makes the assumption that "tcc_nand" showing up in the lsmod result is the same as "nand.ko" showing up and that this is neither explicitly confirmed or denied by Vampirefo or anyone else.

I also see "tcc_nand" but not "nand.ko" in what's returned after entering lsmod command. I find on my tablet the file tcc_nand.ko in the ./lib/modules/ folder and also see the same file in the recovery files zip uploaded by Vampirefo from the 8048 he had. So if tcc_nand.ko is the same as nand.ko, my tablet may have nand lock. If they aren't the same thing then it probably doesn't - as far as I can figure.
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The main reason the nand lock warning was placed in the development index thread was because of people blindly tripping it when modding their tablets. Since most people aren't familiar with the commands to find out for themselves, it was easier to make a blanket statement than try to explain how to actually find out.
OK, uploading now. Nov 9 08:59:53 CST 2012

You need to put both zips on your sdcard and flash one after the other.

In CWM Recovery




then as soon as rom is installed


Then reboot.

Download below

Stock Rom

Stock Boot.img

2 years ago (more or less) my tablet while trying new rom got stock in android screen and since then my tablet was dead... very sad i keep the tablet to try and find a solution and after many 'many' attempts to fix it it never work again. I decide to keep the tablet for a future search.. today while cleaning my room i saw the tablet and i say, ok, lets search one more time so i can throw this away, while searching i found this site, this post and i download and follow instruction and my tablet is ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. OMG i did cry to be honest, I never thought I was going to find the solution or if someone is was going to post for something so old, I am eternally grateful. Thank you to every person who collaborate in this . i like to donate via Paypal if possible. Thank you so much.
2 years ago (more or less) my tablet while trying new rom got stock in android screen and since then my tablet was dead... very sad i keep the tablet to try and find a solution and after many 'many' attempts to fix it it never work again. I decide to keep the tablet for a future search.. today while cleaning my room i saw the tablet and i say, ok, lets search one more time so i can throw this away, while searching i found this site, this post and i download and follow instruction and my tablet is ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. OMG i did cry to be honest, I never thought I was going to find the solution or if someone is was going to post for something so old, I am eternally grateful. Thank you to every person who collaborate in this . i like to donate via Paypal if possible. Thank you so much.
Glad it worked for you.

Sent from my Venue 8 3830 using Tapatalk
Drats, the upload of the dump is gone. Should I upload it again? I don't know if I have the file, but if needed I can dump my still functional tablet?
Use something a bit more permanent, like Mediafire. I don't know how many are still using these old tablets, but having the dump never hurts.
All right. As soon I can do it I'll upload it again as I don't having it right now.
sir the internal sd card of my mid 8048 is gone, so now camera,galery,music not working anymore , evrytime i used those function a pop up message will say that sdcard is not mounted or not present. is there any fix for this problem. All this problem just started while im downloading some online games from playstore, the tablet is still working only those that require the internal sd card is not working anymore. link to sd, titanium backup not working now.
@jersn You don't mention whether you're rooted or not, but yours sounds like hardware failure rather than a nand lock. The end result unfortunately is the same. There's no fix except getting a new tablet.
@jersn You don't mention whether you're rooted or not, but yours sounds like hardware failure rather than a nand lock. The end result unfortunately is the same. There's no fix except getting a new tablet.

it is rooted, i used the update files from this forum, working well for the last 2days then this happen. i already tried the restore/backup function, erased every thing but unfortunately the internal sd card is not there anymore. so i rooted it back, tablet is working ok except for the camera,gallery and all function that required an internal sd card.
Rooting doesn't affect the nand lock, but adding files to the system partition will. Unfortunately, your internal storage is permanently disabled.