Cruz Reader time ahead by two hours

Dec 27, 2010
The displayed time in the upper right-hand corner is ahead by two hours. If I go to the Settings->Date & time settings screen. It is displaying the correct time. Any ideas?

Go into the "Date & Time" settings again, and set the clock back two hours. I know, it sounds primitive, but some of the best fixes are the simplest. :D
Same issue with mine!

I live in the Central time zone and it keeps displaying EST after a restart?
I go into tools and check the time settings and everything is correct? But every time after a RESTART it shows EST? So strange?
Not really a big deal for me as we keep ours in hibernation mode most of the time and the settings stick so I dunno?

Anyways the only way right now (as I have not been successful in finding a fix) is to go back into date & time take the check mark out of "Automatic" and re-select your time zone (even though it is showing as the correct one) that will fix the issue until your next restart.
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