Cruz Reader


Sep 22, 2010
I'm thinking of getting the Cruz Tablet when it comes out in November... does anyone have any additional info on this tablet pc? I just found out about it and read some info on the Cruz site. If anyone has any reviews that they can post I would be most appreciative! :D
No reviews are available yet but we plan to review this when it is released. This is for the Cruz Tablet not the Reader which is already out.
I have been using the Cruz ereader for about a month and a half... its works well for my use but I noticed it has a number of bugs
The clock always seems to reset itself to EST. It seems strange to have to daily update it to the my current time zone. The move function in Astro doesn't work.
It came with the Boarders reader, but I have switched over to the Kindle reader... much smoother and faster.
I have watched videos and music. Plays pretty good for me. You just have to make sure it is in the right format. The videos can be a bit hurky jurky but are clear.
There are some issues with the touch screen being slow to respond... but that seems to vary from application to application.

Unfortunately currently there is no access to the Android Market. So you have to hunt around for applications. It would have been nice to have a video camera built in and skype.

I have seen similar products coming out for less... though I haven't actually held one or reviewed them. It could use a faster processor and some work. Velocity's site has minimal support.
I tried to register to provide feed back... but they never responded to my request.

I use it daily, to read, surf the net, watch videos and check my email. Over all I am pretty satisfied with it... but given their are similar products coming out that are $50 cheaper... maybe you should wait.
My R103 has the same time-zone glitch!! It wont stay on pacific time, only on Eastern. :/