Elonex 1000ET android 2.2 available

Well I decided to install it and I'm pleased to say it went smoothly.

Downloaded to main PC; transferred to microSD and transferred to unit and installed.

Useful to keep the instructions on the main PC screen whilst doing the install to the unit.

Seem to have lost some apps but I'll soon get them re-installed.
Thank you, but Elonex will be releasing a flash version/upgrade very shortly.

I'll stay with the official Elonex versions as my unit is still under warranty.

I've installed 'skyfire' as my main browser and that allows most items that require Flash to run.

Works really well. Skyfire for Android | Skyfire

NB: I did get Elonex to test 'skyfire' and they reported that it was fully compatible with the 1000ET
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I have seen one of these and wondered if anyone who has one could give me some feed back, as i am thinking of buying one.
can you visit youtube with default browser

With Skyfire, some play without sound. Some don't play at all.

Still need to use the 'YouTube' app. to get videos to play properly.

So far, all sky news items that require flash have played without any problem.
I have seen one of these and wondered if anyone who has one could give me some feed back, as i am thinking of buying one.

For the money, quite good. Short battery life, especially if you are using wifi.

More money to spend?...go for the new iPad2/Samsung Galaxy Tab or similar.