Flytouch 2 !0.1" Running 2.1


Dec 24, 2010
Hi Guys,
Just bought this pad & think for the dosh it's not bad at all.
Just wonder if anyone knows if it's possible to update it to 2.2
& if so how difficult?
Could really do with flash 10 & I believe this is supported by 2.2
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It is not known if the manufacturer will provide firmware for Android 2.2 and flash 10.1 in the future. The most encouraging development to me is the 2.2 beta firmware for the similar Zenithink ZT-180 tablet.

Sent from my FT2 with Tapatalk
So, Silverwizard, how is the tablet running? I will be purchasing one in the next few days so I am trying to get an idea of how well it really works. I am getting mostly good reviews from everyone I have talked to so far, but it never hurts to have another opinion. I have been searching for over a week now to make sure I was getting a descent company and a fair price at the same time. If I may ask, where did you buy your tablet from, and how was their service? Almost everyone I have found with a price in my range has been a Chinese wholesaler, so I am generally concerned about speed of delivery (I am currently in Iraq with the Army) and functionality of the tablet. Thanks fin advance for any help you can offer.
Hi dwcunpluged,
So far it's running pretty well,but let's be clear about one thing,it may look like an iPad but that's where the similarity ends.
I bought mine from Lightinthebox who are basically a company who market pretty well anything made in China.
My buying experience with them was good & the package arrived well boxed & packed. Fly touch 2 Android 2.1Tablet PC-MID-10.1TFT- Infotmic iMAPx210-1GMHZ-256 DDR2-2G- (Flytouch20563PC04) -
What I like about it is it comes pre-loaded with the Android marketplace which is where you can download a load of apps & games etc
(a lot of 'em are open source freeware).
Battery life I've experienced around 3 hours (wifi off) & around 1hr 45 (wifi on).
Screen is not bad,a little slow perhaps but you get used to it fairly quickly.
One app I would suggest you download straight away is apps killer,it basically lists everything that's running & tells you what's safe to turn off
which improves the battery life quite a bit.
I paid about 157€ delivered to my gaff in Portugal,but then had to pay another 42€ to the customs men!
Obviously what you pay depends on where you have it shipped to,if it's within Asia you won't have to pay much,If anything.
Summing get what you pay for,if you want to playback movies,surf the web,check emails etc this thing does all of
those things for the cost of a good weekend out with the lads.
P.S. Big respect for what you & your mates are doing over there.


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Ok Farang,thanks for the info,we'll hope for the best.
Would be good to get flash 10 capability.
That is pretty much what I wanted to know, thank you very much. And just for the record, I did originally want a fuitPad, but that was before I knew there were so many other options. :) I am pretty new to android, but I have a feeling it and I are going to get along really well. Again, thank you for your imput.
Hi Siverwizard, I've been looking at the flytouch you just bought. I need a tablet that can take a battery backup through the usb port so I can use it for work. Any idea if this one will do that? The Trent Technet iEP380 Dual-port pack is designed for iPad and Tablet PCs but I don't know if the flytouch usb would accept it. In general I wonder if all the tablets would accept a usb battery pack....
Hi A4Mike,
Gotta say "don't know for certain" ,but my gut feeling is no you can't.
The reason I say that is it's not in my experience possible to "send to" the sd card
so I would imagine the same would apply to a usb device such as you describe.
To be certain go to the website Help Center - *****************
and make an info request,in my experience you'll get an answer from their tech dept within 24 hours.
Hope this helps.

Hi dwcunpluged,
Glad to be of help,had the thing about 10 days now & starting to get used to it's little quirks,it's a totally different experience to using windoze....but a not unpleasant one.
Some of the apps I've downloaded are Facebook,Youtube (which streams the video & audio really well),& Google maps which is excellent.
Altogether I'm not at all displeased with my purchase,where I live in Portugal we're very lucky to have free hotspots all over the place & this thing finds them,remembers them &
auto connects to them with no trouble at all.
I've also purchased a case & mini keyboard from eBay for about €20 and that worked perfectly as soon as I plugged it in,which is a boon when you've got fingers like pork bangers &
you're trying to use the on screen keyboard.
So,hope you're experience (should you buy one) is as good as mine.

S.W.(a.k.a. The Old Git).
Hi to all !
I am interested in purchasing this product. I would like to know if the screen of the Fly Touch 2 is real glass (similar to iPad) or plastic ?
Hi to all !
I am interested in purchasing this product. I would like to know if the screen of the Fly Touch 2 is real glass (similar to iPad) or plastic ?

Pretty sure its plastic. Technically my HTC G1 phone running 1.6, appears to have more Android features, better touch screen and is slightly faster than the tablet. The only thing my tablet does better is video playback, but 720/1080p controls are limited to play, pause and stop where as all other SD content offers full control.
I bought one from a place out of Utah and it works pretty well and is the ZTO 10.2 (without ZTO name). Mine only works with stylus or finger nail is that correct or should I be able to use my finger tip?