Flytouch 2


Dec 27, 2010

I'm thinking about getting a FlyTouch2, from the users opinion - are they worth it or in hindsight would you have picked a different tablet?

I love my hype pad
Key word there being HYPE-PAD
The model I bought is available at buyadroid and is a little more expensive than the other versions but everything just works to the point that I am very happy
The user support is excellent and the issues that the flytouch 2's are plagued with we do not experience. Except for the less than usable camera but that is what u get with a .3 mp camera (maybe fixed with a firmware update)
I love it so much that i bought my girl a archos 101 on impulse just so she could keep her grubby hands off of my tablet...........and to allow her to talk a little junk to me. Her tablet was updated twice in the first 2 days that we owned it However, using hers does not make me wish i had just gotten that one. As a matter of fact my tablet is better than hers in many ways

I'm thinking about getting a FlyTouch2, from the users opinion - are they worth it or in hindsight would you have picked a different tablet?


I bought the Flying Touch II from an Aliexpress supplier in China for $191 with free shipping. The supplier had a 97.6% positive feedback rating over the last 6 months.The price has now dropped to about $180 there. I ordered on Nov. 20th and received it via Hongkong Post & EMS on December 1st in Thailand. Everything worked out of the box, and I was able to register the tablet. Weeks later the tablet hung on the green boot screen, and I flashed to the latest 1170 build to fix the problem. My main disappointment is in not knowing if it will ever run Android 2.2 with Adobe flash support.

I am happy with the tablet and would buy it again.
just had my flytouch2 yesterday from a local supplier here in the philippines (prefer to buy it locally to avoid high importation taxes), included were free leather jacket with keyboard, earphones and gps antennae. as compared to other android pads in the market, i find this flytouch an advantage due to built in gps, 2 usb ports, hdmi ready and can play movies at 1080p resolution. 10" size also its my preference rather than choosing 7" pads. i can say its a good buy..