Gadmei T883 Android Tablet review, changing Chinese language to English & learnings!


Mar 21, 2012
After a wk of having my Gadmei T883 3D glasses free Android 4 'Ice Cream Sandwich' tablet I now think I've got it mastered! It's just as good 3D photo quality as my old 6" photo frame, but with all the advantages of the tablet & apps ... but there are some lessons I've had to learn the hard way, in how to set it up.

1st the out of the box version doesn't recognise Google accounts, so you can;t use Gmail, Google Play / Market etc. You therefore need to follow the instructions below to update the firmware to allow these 7 then reconfig to English language BEFORE you bother to put any other apps, photos or video on it.

Please follow the following Download and installation instructions:

Warning: Please back up all necessary data to your computer. The update process will delete all your data!

1) Download and extract the new software;

2) Copy the following files to the microSD Card root directory;
Please keep the memory clear before copy process

uImage_recovery, (no need to extract)

3) Plug in the microSD Card. Make sure the T883 is turned off and connect the T883 with a reliable mains power source (not the USB lead to the PC or it will crash as it reboots !);

4) Press and hold the Volume
and Power button until the T883 turn on;

5) T883 will be updated automatically and the process will be done in matter of few minutes.
Once done the T883 will reboot itself;

6) After the update process is completed, the T883 will automatically shut down and reboot;


You will need to re-select the English language option from the settings menu:
the settings menu looks like a square with blue & white horizontal sliders on it & 'C' in a speech bubble. Once selected, you choose the option at the very top above an option with a tick box to it's left & the same 3 horizontal line slider icon on the right. When you select it, it should show English as an option.

Now your tablet should be in English, have Google Play & sync with a Google a/c!

Now, to view photos in 3D is strongly suggest you download Stereoscopie from Google Play as it's far better than the shipped 'BIPhoto', which I'd delete. I also suggest resizing your MPOs in SPM for 1280x768.

If you want to rip / upload videos, they should be AVI with '[3D]' as the start of the file name. Use the Xvid codec with side by side format, 50%. 'DVDFab' has all these settings in it's 3D Blu-Ray ripper - make sure you own the content of any Blu-rays your rip ... of course! It will play MP4s but they seem to take ages for DVDFab to rip.

I also suggest NOT setting up your Google sync a/c until you set up the Calendar. For some reason if you set up the Google a/c synch first, Calendar won;t recognise it, but it does if done from inside the calendar - strange.

Downloaded side by side 3D videos from YouTube in HQ look great on it - don;t forget to put [3D] at the start of the file name though.

Any Q's let me know.

Overall, I'm very impressed esp when it only cost £148 inc shipping!
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Moderator I was going to put this in Tablet general discussions but I don;t seem able to. If you think it's helpful to others, pls can you move it to there.
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I am thinking about buying one of these - what is the speed and general usability like? Also where did you buy it from?
Bought from USB Brando on the web. Speed is fine, but there's a few tweaks I'd like made to the firmware update to stabilise it.

I won this tablet yesterday in a Starcraft2 Tournament in Hong Kong (yay!). So far it's pretty cool, the 3d is actually quite good. My major pain point is the lack of Google Play Store and linked accounts. I tried to follow your instructions above, but the download always gets "interrupted" around 30mb? Also, does anyone know where I can find the default ROM? If I end up losing the 3d functionality, or if I were to brick the device, I'd like to have a copy of the original ROM I can revert to.

Thanks in advance! :)

So I just ordered this tablet and wanted to ask you guys how are the angles of viewing the 3d? I have heard on certain devices that if you move your head just a little then the screen goes blurry and you lose the 3d effect, is this tablet like that?
Ordered mine last week on Brando, just arrived at home will try the firmware update and test 3D etc. If anyone wants some 3D video/images for testing I can upload some and link you.
Ordered mine last week on Brando, just arrived at home will try the firmware update and test 3D etc. If anyone wants some 3D video/images for testing I can upload some and link you.

How is the battery life, can I get through 2 or 3 3d movies?
How is the battery life, can I get through 2 or 3 3d movies?

FYI I installed the DIY firmware referenced above. Unfortunately within 4 hours of using it my gmail account had been compromised and an unauthorized charge attempted. Nice huh. I would suggest sticking to the vendor supplied version and figuring out the google play stuff separately.
FYI I installed the DIY firmware referenced above. Unfortunately within 4 hours of using it my gmail account had been compromised and an unauthorized charge attempted. Nice huh. I would suggest sticking to the vendor supplied version and figuring out the google play stuff separately.

Wow that's ****ty, thanks for the heads up! Can you still have the english language in the vendor supplied firmware? I guess I will have to download the apps I want through torrent and just install them through my sd card.
Wow that's ****ty, thanks for the heads up! Can you still have the english language in the vendor supplied firmware? I guess I will have to download the apps I want through torrent and just install them through my sd card.

Yes the english works fine with the march 15th OS. The procedure to switch from Chinese to English is the same is in the DIY version. I found a chrome add on apk downloader that enables getting the apks so I can install them from my sdcard. A hassle but better safe than sorry.
Got the tablet yesterday. Upgraded the firmware to ver 1.0.5_20112 thru the included app with no prob. I am able to download a lot of the main apps thru their HiMarket app. Kind of tough as a lot of stuff is in Japanese, but I'm managing. Got two movies transfered to the sd card...battery life is great. Could probably watch both movies ("Alice in Wonderland" & "Aliens versus Monsters") on one charge.