Galaxy Tab Coming To Sprint November 14 At $399


Sep 21, 2010

It seems the weeks of silence about the Galaxy Tab is coming to an end with todays leak. BGR is reporting the Sprint version of the soon to be popular Galaxy Tab will be making an appearance around November 14 with a great price. The Android 2.2 powered device will be priced at $399 with a contract, 599 without. This price comes a little bit high since the iPad is priced at 659 for 32GB, but lets hope we all have available contracts to sign.

This news will definitely get many happy about the tablet that will soon take its position as king of the crop a little like the Galaxy S devices did.

Anyone here a Sprint Costumer? Will you be getting this?
i was waiting for this in anticipation of replacing my BB phone and moving to android as my feeling is RIM was losing touch and falling too far behind. when the carriers in the US gutted the voice capability of this device it meant i could not simply replace my phone with this and move on. that with the news of the soon to be released Playbook which has the ability to tether via bluetooth with my phone for data now has me back on the fence. the Playbook specs blow away the galaxy tab and with the other major players in the android tablet race not releasing until the operating system supports the hardware, i will wait until the 1st quarter of next year for things to shake out. i have a feeling 6 or more android tablets will be released soon sporting dual core processing with better cameras and specs then the galaxy tab is offering.
Agreed with dpeagle. Although $399 is not a bad price (and does appear to be the same rumored price under T-Mobile), it does require a 2 year contract. We just do not believe in forcing customers to lock in for a 2 year contract. The Galaxy Tab will be obsolete in a few months and then one is stuck with it for 2 years. $600 for a non-contract tablet is a little on the high end (actually what we believe is the very upper limit on what a tablet should cost). Specs are not the most advanced.
I have Sprint, but I think the price is too high. The contract price should be between $249 and $299. The off-contract price should be $499. Just my opinion.
I was all excited when I read Galaxy Tab $399! And then I read $599 without contract.....BLAH! I don't care whether the specs are better than the Ipad or not, $599 for a friggin tablet is too much. At that price I might as well just buy a laptop, or a playstation 3, or an xbox 360, etc etc. The Galaxy Tab was not number one on my list anyways but still. I also know its my fault that I have horrible credit and contract is not possible for me. I think, with 1ghz cpu, 512mb of ram+, g-sensor, yadda yadda, $399-$449 is a perfectly reasonable price for a tablet. Anything else is just a ripoff. That's MY opinion, and you're free to disagree, I'm not wanting to argue with anyone but I just had to comment and express my disappointment. I actually agree more with Ericmartins' prices lol
I agree. I've even read that through Tmobile the price will be 649.00 for the tab without a contract. I'd be willing to fork out a little under 500, but not that much!
The Samsung was on my list but not any more. While I do have Sprint, I am not to sure I want another 2 year contract, and even then it should be $299 with contract. The non contract price is simply to high. I am waiting now to see when, and at what cost the Archos 101 will be.
Totally agree that price is a big FAIL!!! That is even without knowing what data will cost each month. Man, not sure who to blame here, Samsung or the carriers. I know Samsung sets the price but the carriers could have done just a small amount of market research and found those prices are unacceptable to a vast majority of possible customers.

However probably like the iphone the price will drop. When that happens there is a good chance many new and better and cheaper tablets will be available though.
Oh well the wait continues.
On another forum someone argued that what did we expect? Without a contract the latest smart phones cost the same...ridiculously priced. Well if you pay attention to the ads and infomercials you can see they are targetting business peoples. I suppose business people have the money to burn. I'm not a businessman. I'm just a geeky married man who likes to mess with gadgets lol. We are already being ripped off with having to be on 2 year contracts and paying hefty monthly fees for all the bells and whistles. What's more didn't att jack up the smart phone usage prices even more? So I don't think its too much to ask for a reasonably priced tablet without contract, or a wifi only tablet.
Ima sprint suscriber but i will not be purchasing this tablet. Look at it this way to the price, A Samsung Vibrant cost 450 off contract so 150 bucks more in theory seems like an ok deal for what your getting, but to me it just isnt justified. Just around the corner the galaxy tab will become completly irrelevant by the end of the year alone, there are at least one more tablet that runs a dual core tegra, sporting the best mobile graphics to date (Elocity A7) samsung just made a giant phone, im incredible disappointed but I hope they try again next year
This is still the number one tab I want to get my hands on! I just saw another "hands on" video with it and boy is it slick!

Major drool!
Ima sprint suscriber but i will not be purchasing this tablet. Look at it this way to the price, A Samsung Vibrant cost 450 off contract so 150 bucks more in theory seems like an ok deal for what your getting, but to me it just isnt justified. Just around the corner the galaxy tab will become completly irrelevant by the end of the year alone, there are at least one more tablet that runs a dual core tegra, sporting the best mobile graphics to date (Elocity A7) samsung just made a giant phone, im incredible disappointed but I hope they try again next year
why do you say it will become irrelevant by yrs end are you stated that because of android 3.0 ? and if so do you not think this will be rooted and have 3.0 on it or do you think it wont be able to handle 3.0?