Google voice transcriptions


Senior Member
Dec 28, 2010
I thought it might be fun to post some of the more amusing google voice transcriptions and possibly what it was supposed to be. Remember to censor personal info where applicable..

Here's one for the guy that used to have my number:
Was yeah if you want know Yeah, **** my was you hang up or disconnect now. If you are. Yeah, **** my was you continue to listen to this message, you should not listen to this message in public of this pertains to personal and private information, there will now be a 3 second pause in this message. To allow you to listen in private. By continuing to listen to this message, you acknowledge you are. Yeah, **** my was yeah this communication is from a debt collector. Yeah, this is a cool from plans are associates. Yeah. This is an attempt to collect a debt. And any information obtained, will be useful collection services. Yeah, he's contact. Yeah they're Associates your phone number. Yeah (800) 301-7314 and refer the number 8. Yeah. 7. Yeah 8 7. 8 Yeah. 7. Yeah, 0. Yeah 0 Thank you.
Well, there goes my attempt at amusing myself..