

Jul 28, 2012
I have an Andriod MID 2.2/2.3 which I love to bits!!!My problem is that I have only one speaker working . Iv'e tried using various headphones but to no avail.Iv'e been i:confused:nto my sound section but that doesn't help either so I'm listening to music and watching movies with only one speaker fuctioning????? Is there any help out there please?? Thank you in anticipation!!!
This is a bit of a longshot, but since nobody else seems to have any ideas, I'll mention it. My tablet's headphone jack has some minor damage, such that if I plug my headphones all the way in, I only get sound in the left speaker. If I pull them slightly out, I get sound in both speakers. This probably sends the same audio to both speakers, making it mono, but it's a great work-around for Netflix and such, as the source is probably mono anyway.