Has Anyone opened their Tablets??


Super Moderator
Staff member
Aug 6, 2010
I have one of the 256 Mb APad series with Camera, Rockchip and such. Just curious has anyone opened theirs any of their Tablets and looked at the layout and such. I am planning to do it to mine soon as a sacrificial lamb.

I have done it with my Archos 605, 705, and the Archos 5. But, with no screws, torx or plastic covers to reference, I would prefer a hint.

Yes, it will void the warranty such as they are. But I have the attitude unless I can see it, I do not own it. Thus far, all my items are functional post dissection and reassembled. But there is always a first.

Pics, links, suggestions gladly accepted. Otherwise I plan to start once I get my other "improved" unit.


Tech Stooge of the Internet
First of all, there's no 256MB Rockchip tablet. The only Rockchip chipset shipping in mass quantities right now does 128MB because of a chipset limitation.

I opened my Apad before. Actually it's still open because I had to replace my touchscreen. I have rubber bands holding it in place.
Thanks for that, So I have one of the Fake APads with the Blue LED, What can I say but "aurrrgh" I will not feel so badly when I start really discovering what is inside.


Tech Stooge of the Internet
It's not really fake. It's just from a different manufacturer.
I have an apad (I think) that I purchased used from a guy at work. Has a camera and a green led when in use, red when charging until charged then green. Can anyone tell me which one this is? There's next to no information on the device itself and I didn't get any paperwork for it. Any help would be hugely appreciated.
This is the quick way to discover what you have
1. Power it on . As the little Green Droid Icon appears, Does it have a number in one of the corners? If so, this is the build number of the Firmware.
2. Once powered up, Access the applications control panel. This is usually a little tab on one side. It has a symbol like a triangle in a circle. Tap it.
3.Find the icon that looks like a hammer and is called Settings. Tap it. (You may need to scroll the screen to find it)
4.Scroll down to the bottom, It will have things like Memory, Firmware,Build number; Write these down
Hints: 128 Mb indicates a Rockchip chip build, while 256 Mb indicates usually VIA 8505 Chip
Build number usually matches the OS version on your tablet. 1.5=Cupcake 1.6=Donut and so on

Now on to more detail. Do you have an SDHC card, turn your tablet off or put it in Hibernation. Remove the card. if you do not want to browse the links below from your tablet.
Put it in your PC and refer to either this thread Android System Info or a simpler app deviceinfo (see Links) Note: they may download as zip files if d/l on your PC. Rename to .apk extensions
Install and discover more about your Tablet. If technically astute you can use the Android debugger ADB. but that is a topic for another day.

Best of Luck
I'd really like to know if anyone has opened up the Pandigital Novel. I need to recover my reset button. It has gone AWOL.






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I'd really like to know if anyone has opened up the Pandigital Novel. I need to recover my reset button. It has gone AWOL.

In post #8 I've found some images of what this device has. You should be able to pop the case open. Those look like hex or Philips screws?
I would like to know if someone has opened up the Zenithink ZT180? I would like to open mine to change the battery.
to see how they're built inside.. to replace the (un)replaceable batter{y|ies}... to repair a faulty solder joint on the positive leg of the the charging circuit input.. etc., etc., ad nauseum.

Opened mine up coz of battery problems, anyway came acros this subject and wanted to share the pics.

Does anyone know why there's a (unused )yellow wire attached to the battery?

I open my tablet very easy with a suction cup, fix it on the upper site of the tablet and pull.