Having calendar sync issues. Anyone have a fix?


Jul 31, 2011
My calendar program is syncing with my calendar in Outlook, but the times aren't the same. They seem to be about 3 hours off. The calendar on my Iconia shows a meeting at 9 am and it shows up in Outlook as 6am. I have checked and both the computer and the Iconia are showing the correct time. Is there a setting somewhere that I am missing?

Time zone issues is my guess.

It has something to do with the time zone setting in the calendar app and whether its set to use your home-base timezone or your actual time zone.

If using the standard calendar app, fiddle with those settings.
Thanks for the heads-up on that. I found that the timezoon on the A500 was set wrong. Once I set it correctly they are syncing fine now. I appreciate the tip.
