Hello and please help


Senior Member
Dec 22, 2011
Hi New here an new to android tablets,

I won a Furious 7" tablet. seems to be a generic Chinese clone using an IMAPX200 processor.

From new the volume control in the software (confirmed by disassembling and eliminating the mechanical buttons) permanently drives to full volume this leaves a media volume pop-up on screen all the time and cause the unit to beep repeatedly. Also the unit is registered on my google account as being on China telecom which makes Market pretty useless.

I don't have the option of returning the device, so would like to try re-installing the operating system.

So far I have managed to root the unit and have terminal emulator working.

This allowed me to get the HWVER ( but I can't find any matching updates or software versions

From device information:-

Model Number :- m799ca V2.2
Android Version :- 2.3.3
Baseband version :- unknown
Kernel Version :- neville@neville-desktop #7
Build Number :- m799ca-eng 2.3.3 GRI40 eng.petter.20111201.143607 test-keys


I would like a uk compatible operating system either 2.3 or 2.2 but can't seem to find one.

This is the device I have :- Furious 7" 1GHz CPU Android 2.3 Tablet MID ePad Flash 10.1 1080P HDMI 4GB Android Market WiFi Facebook Skype: Amazon.co.uk: Computers & Accessories

Any help would be appreciated.

Many thanks in advance,

Pete -

Welcome to the forum, for a newbie you already have done a pretty deep dive it looks like. I am going to refer you to the InfoTmic sub-forum here: Infotmic Based, which would be the correct one for your particular device.

Glad to have you here!


thanks for the reply,

I did a load of research before I posted as I know how frustrating it can be when noobs ask the same question over and over.

Hi Pete, welcome to the forum. Glad you decided to join us here at Android Tablets. I can see you've done a lot of work on this and I'm moving your thread over to the Infotmic Based section to try and get some help for you. Good luck!.