Hello from sunny Winchester!


Aug 11, 2012
Hello all,

Have joined this forum as I figured it is probably the best way to learn about the new Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 I have just purchased.

I had a HTC phone prior to this and found it just a wee bit too small for taking notes and writing emails on, so after much deliberation I took the plunge and opted for the Samsung (plus I had some advice from a complete stranger in a store recently).

So far so good. It seems just the kind of tool I have been looking for.

But I need some help already...will be posting soon!
Chris :)
Hi Chris, congratulations on your new tablet and welcome to the forum. Nice to have you as a member of the forum. Any time you need anything for that tablet, just click this link to the Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 forum and ask away. There's a nice group of people there and I'm sure they'll help as much as they can. Enjoy your tablet and the forum!