Hello to my fellow Droid user's


Jul 9, 2011
first off a little Intro.

I posted this already but , since this is an Introduction thread here it goes:

Hello every one, My name is Joe, I am 41, married 20 years this jan 2012 "Has it been that long already?" no kids to share My Android devices with except my Wife who Aquires them from me, on more times than I can count, she now has her Own..lol

Anyway Game Designer for mobile devices,Tinkers with Electronic gadgets, have some Android Tablets an a Android smartphone for myself.

I Like camping in the great outdoors.

Any way that's a lil about myself ,any comments or Questions feel free to ask.

thanks for taking the time to read my Intro.


now that I have some of the stuff about me out of the way please post some Questions, or what Android device you have tried or Own an tell me what you like :) or hate about it:mad:.

Im interested in all Android OS devices.:D
Welcome to the forum, glad to have you here.


Sent from my ADR6400L using Android Tablet Forum
Hey thanks again for the warm welcome

I see you have the Huawei S7 they make some very good Smartphones how is their Tablet, I was looking for another Tablet for my wife an the filemate was on my mind due to the user replaceable battery. She has a cheap MID Wonder Media which I am NOT Quite sure of the processor speed, it was thrown my way a while back for free because i did some work for someone an he had a few of them in the office. an i have not really Had time to Root it, an so I been getting some more time off recently so I was looking to have a lil tinkering fun an was going to get her a replacement with a lil more umph before I Started filddling with it.;)
Hi Joe, welcome to the forum. I've got a Nook and I loved it right out of the box for reading, videos, surfing etc. I only rooted it to get at some apps I wanted. Mainly backups, anti-malware and video site apps.
sweet, I looked at the Nook color myself an i thought it was a cool design, an the SD flash card hidden in the corner...hehehe, anyway I saw that many people have been putting ver's of Android to the nook an is there a performance increase that may have been a shock in its ability to handle Higher firmware's. like from 2.2 or 2.3?
The NC comes with 2.2 & flash and handles it w/o a problem. So far, the Nook has actually been better than I expected for the things I bought it to do. I wanted portability, decent internet browsing & email, book reading, music playing, video viewing (w/o stuttering), and picture viewing. It does all that even better than I ever thought it would.:)