Help choosing a tablet!


Mar 1, 2012
hi there,

i've been using a laptop (macbook pro 13") as my main computer at home for several months, but since i've recently bought a desktop computer (pc) i found myself using less and less the macbook every time.
i feel uncomfortable using the laptop while on the bed or the sofa and, since i've got my needs for real computing covered with my new desktop pc, i'm thinking about selling the macbook pro and buying a tablet.

at first i thought about the ipad but one of the main uses i'm gonna give to the tablet is watching movies and tv shows, so the ipad is discarded because the screen is not panoramic and it doesnt support divx or mkv natively.

i wanna buy a 10 inch tablet without a keyboard and i'm gonna use it for casual web surfing, listening to music, watching movies/tv shows, email reading etc. i'm willing to pay about 400 / 450 euros.

what do you guys recommend me?

best regards
Personally I would probably stick with the MBP because the beauty of laptops is they are hands free for watching movies. Next I would say that if you are used to using Macs then the iPad continues the silky smoothness of operation that is the hall mark of Apple. If you are determined to go tablet, and android then I reckon you will be most happy with something that is well supported by developers as that will give the closest feeling to the sort of effortlessness that you get used to when you are a Mac user. With that in mind I reckon one of the Samsung Galaxy Tabs is most suitable. If I was to buy again knowing what I know from my few weeks of android use I would go tab. They probably suffer less from the android fragmentation effect and they have a good range to choose from, and they are also well reviewed.
As a 4G xoom owner I would have to recommend it. Best tab IMO
hi there,

i've been using a laptop (macbook pro 13") as my main computer at home for several months, but since i've recently bought a desktop computer (pc) i found myself using less and less the macbook every time.
i feel uncomfortable using the laptop while on the bed or the sofa and, since i've got my needs for real computing covered with my new desktop pc, i'm thinking about selling the macbook pro and buying a tablet.

at first i thought about the ipad but one of the main uses i'm gonna give to the tablet is watching movies and tv shows, so the ipad is discarded because the screen is not panoramic and it doesnt support divx or mkv natively.

i wanna buy a 10 inch tablet without a keyboard and i'm gonna use it for casual web surfing, listening to music, watching movies/tv shows, email reading etc. i'm willing to pay about 400 / 450 euros.

what do you guys recommend me?

best regards

Hey zukh0v, maybe you can have a look at the Zenithink C91. a reputable 10" android 4.0 tablet PC. and you can see lots of reviews about this tablet here: Zenithink Tablets
Good luck!:)