Please help me choose. It's just so difficult.................


Apr 27, 2012
Hi all. I am looking to get my first tablet but am overwhelmed by the choice out there. Let me start with what I'll be using it for.
Mainly for live streaming tv, internet use, watching movies for the kids, plug into tv for playback if possible. I'm not really going to use it for games, maybe just games that'll keep my 6 year old entertained.
My main reason is so that I can stream sports on the go from my satellite receiver at home. So bearing this in mind, would tethering to my mobile be good enough, or would i need a 3g tablet.
It would also be handy if I could just buy a payg data plan when I'm abroad so I'm guessing I'd need a 3g version, or would mifi do the trick?
As I'll be streaming sports, etc I guess the ipad is not fully suited to me, do to the flash issue.
I've got it down to the Asus transformer, Asus transformer prime(no 3g), Asus transformer pad 300(3g coming out soon), Motorola xoom, samsung galaxy tab and bringing up the rear, the Archos g9 101( not really a looker).
I need at least a 9 inch screen and don't really want to spend more than about £350. If there is any other recommendations, especially less pricey alternatives, please fire away.
Thanks all
It is good to be spoilt for choices :cool:

MiFi at least in my part of the world need a 3G modem and most Tablets works with 3G modems. So this should not be the deciding factor.

If youwant to to buy "local" SIM's when you are travelling I would suggest that you buy a tablet with built in SIM slot like KDPad w1107 or Dapeng A7. It is just less hassle when you have to setup your tablet.
Hi, you may want to check out them latest chinese tabs as well. They're now well up to the mark with dual core cpu.s ips capacitive multi touch screens, ics operating system. Large memory/ddr & much cheaper than big brand devices. I myself have a sanei n90 9.7" ips tab with bluetooth built in, wifi , 3g etc. The standard of quality is now one par with most bigger names& support is available through this forum from supporting vendors. These are trusted, genuine suppliers with good track records of customer service & satisfaction. The new generation of multi-core Tablets are now being released with screens made by lg, hitachi, samsung etc, in my opinion they are well worth looking at before you decide to spend a fairly large amount on something that may be a cheaper device could do just as well. Good research is something I consider important when buying these type of goods, so even if its just to satisfy yourself that you would rather spend more one branded goods, I would check them out at least. You have nothing to lose by looking at these sellers & may find yourself pleasantly surprised by them. I recommend as one of the best sites for quality chinese Tablets. Theyre small but concentrate one getting a few good models rather than selling any old junk. They cover most budgets & you can choose shipping to suit either cost or speed ( dhl is good for both). The choice is yours. Good luck whichever you choose

Sent from my M9701 using Android Tablet
Hi, you may want to check out them latest chinese tabs as well. They're now well up to the mark with dual core cpu.s ips capacitive multi touch screens, ics operating system. Large memory/ddr & much cheaper than big brand devices. I myself have a sanei n90 9.7" ips tab with bluetooth built in, wifi , 3g etc. The standard of quality is now one par with most bigger names& support is available through this forum from supporting vendors. These are trusted, genuine suppliers with good track records of customer service & satisfaction. The new generation of multi-core Tablets are now being released with screens made by lg, hitachi, samsung etc, in my opinion they are well worth looking at before you decide to spend a fairly large amount on something that may be a cheaper device could do just as well. Good research is something I consider important when buying these type of goods, so even if its just to satisfy yourself that you would rather spend more one branded goods, I would check them out at least. You have nothing to lose by looking at these sellers & may find yourself pleasantly surprised by them. I recommend as one of the best sites for quality chinese Tablets. Theyre small but concentrate one getting a few good models rather than selling any old junk. They cover most budgets & you can choose shipping to suit either cost or speed ( dhl is good for both). The choice is yours. Good luck whichever you choose

Sent from my M9701 using Android Tablet

Do you have a recommendation that will fill my needs?
I am always happy to save some money.
Its hard to give advice without knowing more of what you need, what memory size, screen size etc. Personally I prefer 9.7" I just find it easier for webpages, names, ereading etc, I don't really watch movies so I can't say if 16:9 is better than 4:3 layout but thete are plenty of every capable Tablets. Do you want a good camera? Are you bothered about bluetooth? The list goes on... I like my Tablets but there are better out there depending one your needs. The yuandao n90 is highly rated but a little expensive. The onda vi40 has a 5mp camera. Every soon there are new tabs coming out, one is the mcpad 90 which looks every good indeed with dual core cpu , there are others too due to be in stock around the middle of the month. I think the quality of tabs out now are good enough for what you want but that is your choice. So many times we say 'i wish i'd waited for that now' so I don't want to push you into anything. If you want 1 now I recommend
Onda vi40
Ployer momo ll
Yuandao n90
Cube u9gt2
Gemei g9

If you're gonna wait I recommend
Mcpad 90
Smartq t20

Good luck whichever, maybe do a web search and check out reviews/specs on each tab. Whin I got mine it took me a month to decide but I am happy with it. It fills my needs & I'm just waiting for ics upgrades to catch up now.

Sent from my M9701 using Android Tablet
If I go with a cheaper alternative then I think Bluetooth and 3g are a must. I want it to be as easy as possible for streaming tv, playback of movies, connecting to tv, etc.
I don't ming if it's only 8gb or 16gb, but then it must have expandable memory via sd card, etc.
Camera not overly important, but useful. Size at least 9 inch, prefferably 10.
Must be able to handle video playback easily.
Long battery life is essential!
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All I have listed are 9.7" screens most should support external bluetooth but don't quote me. I will do some checking. Personally I don't find it important these days. Its much simpler judt to put stuff on an sd card or d/load ia usb.

Sent from my M9701 using Android Tablet
Isn't Bluetooth also used for tethering to a mobile phone?
Not sure about it as this is my first real look at tablets.
Smartq 10 has built in bluetooth but less memory. I think this is a poor trade off. Maybe if you ask them which of these tablets will support external b/tooth they can answer you better, tho' I know c91 says no bluetooth but it does support ext. This is a big tab again not too much memory but lots of users on forum may answer your questions,

Sent from my M9701 using Android Tablet
Smartq 10 has built in bluetooth but less memory. I think this is a poor trade off. Maybe if you ask them which of these tablets will support external b/tooth they can answer you better, tho' I know c91 says no bluetooth but it does support ext. This is a big tab again not too much memory but lots of users on forum may answer your questions,

Sent from my M9701 using Android Tablet

But can any of the cheaper chinese tablets compete with the bigger names? Do you not lose anything in the trade off for a cheaper tablet?
N a lot of cases no but you need to check specifications first to be sure. The main area of difference is the cpu. Chinese tablets are jus gettingto multi core cpu's which some branded names have but not all, depending on how they're used, for the most parts, thecpu's available now are good enough. Its really gaming at high level where faster cpu's are important as they cope with hd graphics & smooth game play. Games always get more technical & therefore the need to keep up is higher. For most other things, chinese tabs can compete very well. Support is the other 'trade off' but some companies like I've mentioned give support on the forum. Chinese tabs were the first to use ics os & as such many companies were caught on the hop waiting for the os. This is a + & a- as ics isn't fully ironed out yet. But you will see that even the big names have the same problems getting everything worked out. There are apps that aren't ready for ics & everyone is waiting for updates. Maybe this happens with every new os I don't know as I'm fairly new to this myself but like I've said research the tablets, the specs & prices before you commit to buy. Know what it is you're going to use it for & you might not need to spend hundreds on a hi tech spec brand that isn't being utilised for what you paid for it. Buy what you can realisticaly afford but be sure its what you need and want. To sum up, yes the branded devices are generally better, being able to walk into a shop & look at one working & knowing if its faulty you just take it back to that shop, but chinese tabs are very good. Buy from the right place & you get a real bargain, saving enough money to buy a 2nd tab should you wish. The smaller size tabs now are excellent for around £100 (150usd) & these are great for kids or adults alike. But if you don't want it or are unsure, don't buy it. I see as many problems on here with branded tabs as I do chinese & a very tight budget meant if I wanted a decent spec tab, I had to buy chinese. I'm very happy with it.
The main areas you need to look at specs wise are
Cpu type & size
Screen type & resolution
Memory ( both flash & ddr)
Battery life
Any feature you deem important eg bluetooth/wifi/3g
I hope I have been of some help to you and I hope you find what you're looking for. Good luck.

Sent from my M9701 using Android Tablet
Hi all. I am looking to get my first tablet but am overwhelmed by the choice out there. Let me start with what I'll be using it for.
Mainly for live streaming tv, internet use, watching movies for the kids, plug into tv for playback if possible. I'm not really going to use it for games, maybe just games that'll keep my 6 year old entertained.
My main reason is so that I can stream sports on the go from my satellite receiver at home. So bearing this in mind, would tethering to my mobile be good enough, or would i need a 3g tablet.
It would also be handy if I could just buy a payg data plan when I'm abroad so I'm guessing I'd need a 3g version, or would mifi do the trick?
As I'll be streaming sports, etc I guess the ipad is not fully suited to me, do to the flash issue.
I've got it down to the Asus transformer, Asus transformer prime(no 3g), Asus transformer pad 300(3g coming out soon), Motorola xoom, samsung galaxy tab and bringing up the rear, the Archos g9 101( not really a looker).
I need at least a 9 inch screen and don't really want to spend more than about £350. If there is any other recommendations, especially less pricey alternatives, please fire away.
Thanks all

Hi bokkie, with 9.7 inch IPS screen, Android 4.0 OS and HDMI output, Ployer MOMO 11 Bird Edition is a good choice for you :)
personally i love my acer a500 , it has 32 g of memory a slot for a micro sd aswell . it has micro hdmi ... great for plugging into ma 50 inch tv and watchin netflix... also has micro usb .. great for ps3 controller but only works on some games or roms .it has full internet access easy to dl movies or music....... front and back facing camera, flash enabled......supports full 1080p video playback ,, basically its everything an ipads isnt lol and u can pick one up for bout 250 to 300 pound which in my eyes is a bargain
I hear a lot of problems with ics on acer at the moment. Maybe they'll get that sorted. Don't like their laptops, had 4 in family all broke.!

Sent from my M9701 using Android Tablet
Thx for all the input guys.
I don't think the ployer momo is a good choice for me. I could live without bluetooth, but I think I need 3g.
The arches g9 101 ticked all the boxes, until I saw one in currrys, Looks very cheap and plastic.
If the transformer prime had 3g I'd have one already.
Now my I've got even more choice.
This isn't going to be easy.
Is there a website where you can filter tablets by what they have, 3g, battery life, screen size, etc?