Help with Firmware Upload


Feb 20, 2014
Hi all, i am in dire need of help. I have a Kocaso M772 that has become poorly. On turn on all i get is the start up screen. I have done my research and have found out the i need to reupload the firmware for it.

I have the firmware from the manufacturer however my problem is uploading it. The insturctions from Kocaso does not work as it tells you to press a button the model does not have. I am able to get in image of an Android on its back with a red triangle coming out of him, is this the screen i need to upload new firmware?

Where can i get drivers from that i can use to upload it, all i have avaliable is a netbook with windows 7 starter. Can anybody give me some idea as to where to go from here?

Thank You
G Hill
Hi all,

Yeah i found the details on the Website but it tells me to press the Volume+ button untill something happens. My model does not have a Volume+ button, also i cant find the drivers i need to do it in the first place.

Volume+ means raising the Volume whereas Volume- would mean lowering the Volume. There is a phone number listed at the link I provided above.